Finally got my transfer to horde / BH. First few Bg's were a success ^-^
Obviously you did enough to comment on my post??nobody cares about beating up lvlers buddy
lol i love that argument, such a classicObviously you did enough to comment on my post??
Ty! Super excited heheNice gz on the faction change
them disc priests too strong manThe fact that you even died is pretty shit m8.
I know i'm not that special man, just sharing what I thought were some exceptional games is all. Maybe it was some shameless promotion to inspire twinks to bg more :/lol i love that argument, such a classic
i hope u get why i posted though, u cant be that special
You can target me all you want, as long as you enjoyed being farmed >You did great, Hotpocket. Wish my lock was geared like yours, though I get nearly the same results without it. Thank you for not screwing over my guild officer in that deal, btw. Not that I expected you to. Just glad to know that most people in this community can be trusted. Makes me feel better about being here. Hope you're enjoying the Horde side of things. If you run in to my guild in BG's, don't take it personal when we target you repeatedly. It's necessary, as I'm sure you're aware.
Glad to see you're pleased with the change. Hope you continue to enjoy it.
You can target me all you want, as long as you enjoyed being farmed >heh.
Well when i was alliance i didnt lose but only a handful of bgs a day, and i would grind them for hours. So idk D:Alliance is 99% idiots at pvp, 9 out of 10 games you'll win playing on horde, losing that 10th game because the chance of random disc twinks with gliders and potions. I rolled a rogue on alliance once, so frustrating trying to bg with those dopes spreading all over the map totally oblivious and stupid. Hope you had full titan forged or something though because paying for a faction change on a random 19 isn't really worth it when you can gear up and level for battlegrounds in less than an hour.
Well i would've rerolled, but that fel gear man, fel gear stronk haha.Glad you had great time. Probably should have just rerolled though. In today's gaming environment it really is not worth a transfer/faction change especially for a lowbie toon. Years ago yes... Today you really do not gain that much an advantage, if any.