Fire Mage's "Discuss"


I don't know why we don't see more fire mages in arenas... Hands down the most fun I've ever had playing my mage. Frost is absolutely no fun... It's the easier thing to play at 70 and you can get 2200 in full brutal gear... Anyway check out my armory. I was r2 in 2's and r1 in 3's during s9, double frost and double frost/disc. Brother broke his hand so i'm playing with a buddy i met doing sunwell raids. Anyway check it QQ wtb helm and jc neck ;/

Anyone else play fire and/or prefer it over frost? cause that shit is lame
I prefer fire over frost.

But then again I always played Elementalist in BC

50% crit with your Crit mass up.
ah, i forgot about that spell, good times

what do you think i should do about crit ;/ im at 38% exact buffed... I'm thinking about putting 20 crit gems in some yellows...
have seen a few fires in arena they do ok with a disc for shields wont beat frost/disc but will give other comps a run for there money if there good
btw sober ur 1 post off leet dont ever post again after 1
have seen a few fires in arena they do ok with a disc for shields wont beat frost/disc but will give other comps a run for there money if there good

I shit on frost/disc teams as fire ;/ pretty easy actually

i win a lot more than i lose against frost/disc... fire as more cc imo... dragon's breath is mad op
Hello, it's 2 years that i play only as 70 and it's almost 1 year that i play my mage fire.

Fire is really more fun then frost but almost everyone play frost for the survavibilty (8k+ absorb from shield is very very usefull especially vs. rogues)

and for the ridicolous burst u can do during a deep freeze.

I play arena as fire in full pve gear ( i did not more then 10 arena as frost and i decided to stop ) and i can say that work pretty well with an healer ( i did 2.2k with a disci priest and with a resto shammy ) but can work also with a rogue. Fire is good also in 3vs3, did 2.2k there too. I dont know how is in 5vs5 cause unfortunatly i never played 1.

Btw this is my character, probably someone of u alredy saw me in bg/arena: seems Soberlolz Chardev

It's almost BiS only miss the Sunfire Pendant but is very very very and...very hard to drop the recipe in SWP.
yeh mate got all 3 sunwell pendants on shaman and all rings took him years lol
Fire is fun as hell, and clearly counters a frost 1v1.

even 2v1, first thing I did when speccing fire was goin eots, 2 frost mages rushes straight over mid and gets right on me. I kill them both without losing HP.

(and no they weren't 10k hp baddies)
yeh na not luck just he was xfering and fac chaning every 3 days to reset raids to get bis on his sham for a few months and finally we got 3 hard khorium bands in 2 weeks recently
Oh boy, more mage buffs, quoting the Patch notes.
  • Pyroblast’s initial damage has been increased by approximately 26%, and its damage over time has been increased by approximately 100%.
  • Fireball damage has been increased by approximately 17%.

  • Living Bomb damage over time has been increased by approximately 10%, and explosion damage has been increased by approximately 120%.

Think it's about time i gave in and rolled a mage. -sigh-
yeh mate got all 3 sunwell pendants on shaman and all rings took him years lol

haha tell me about it, I run sunwell 4 times a week... I have loop of forged power, several chest recipees, couple glove recipes, 2x hkb's, and 1 hkc
pyro blast buff is okay i think, atleast today it makes less dmg than ice lance. (fireball is more pve, normal no time using fireball)

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