my first trinket thingy dates from 10/11/10That's not easy to do anymore. How long did it take you?
and i think you want attention ^^... o wait i gave you some
i think this kid wants a standing ovation or something
what makes you think i'm a kid ?
it sure ain't easy waking 3:00/6:00 in the morning, looting chests. bravo
you named yourself after either a planet or a woman shaving just be lost though
I've yet to obtain my first one, so I understand its value.
Otay, this is how you get your AGM in 1 Week or less: X-Fer to Tortheldrin
it sure ain't easy waking 3:00/6:00 in the morning, looting chests.
it sure ain't easy waking 3:00/6:00 in the morning, looting chests. bravo