Finally finished my transmog set.

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Lol, noted. Elitist Pricks. I was a f2p before I reactivated my account to queue you assholes. You wonder why people roll 24's.

I'll remember this when I queue groups, Have Group Will Travel, Defend players at Gurubashi, and Run f2p's through dungeons.'re butthurt because you posted in the wrong section and that makes everyone else a hater?

You're a moron.
Sweet transmo set!
Keep dis on topic!
I want t3 on my mage so bad...


must resist paying
Dats sick! Wut vender do dey sell does pieces
there is a thread like this

you post pictures of transmogs that isnt available as f2p any ways

but i understand the need of a new thread with the attention pointed at will, because he likes that so much

keep going
Keep it civil. At the end of the day this doesn't really matter which section this is in, it's just a light hearted thread to share mog setups. Yes I'll move it to the 20-24 forum in the interests of consistency, but just send a staff member a PM next time, its not like the OP could have done anything about it anyway.

This is my transmog set, dont have a good mace look because my 85 on spirestone is a damn hunter so I had to make a DK and get a booboo one at the moment.

Epíc <EPlC> (Spirestone-Horde) Holy pally

Just my newborn pally chillin with a couple of friends in Stonetalon ...

PS. Not finished with the set yet. (infact I started with it yesterday) so more to come
I actually like the OPs black and purple set very much. And the others as well.
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