Few quick 19 shammy questions, pls help

Hi, im Lawlpurge, 19 shammy from Daggerspine. Hunters, and every calss is pretty easy for me, except rogues and warriors. This is how i fight rogues, but it almost never works. Pop stoneclaw for shield, immediately after pop EB, and searing, flame shock, run in and beat on them. Shammy heals are so slow however, i can hardly get one off, which pisses me off to no fucking end. Theres always a gouge or other interrupt, i even tried running up to wall facing it and heal so no gouge, but still get interrupt. So rogues, and warriors, (nerf hamstring glyph), how do good shammys that kill you fight?

/sorry wall of text. thx
Lawlpurge said:
Hi, im Lawlpurge, 19 shammy from Daggerspine. Hunters, and every calss is pretty easy for me, except rogues and warriors. This is how i fight rogues, but it almost never works. Pop stoneclaw for shield, immediately after pop EB, and searing, flame shock, run in and beat on them. Shammy heals are so slow however, i can hardly get one off, which pisses me off to no fucking end. Theres always a gouge or other interrupt, i even tried running up to wall facing it and heal so no gouge, but still get interrupt. So rogues, and warriors, (nerf hamstring glyph), how do good shammys that kill you fight?

/sorry wall of text. thx

1v1 they simply don't - go in a group, shamans cannot counter rogues at 19.
hey lawlpurge :D

cant believe i let you kill me in stv sunday.. you had a hunter, and my keyboard broke earlier that day, so i was clicking..but still :X
Do be honest, facing a rogue as a shammy is probably the hardest class shamans can face. Its the rock,paper,scissor game:)
It depends who is more skilled, personally on my shammy I usually beat rogues just kite them around if they do get to close use stoneclaw totem and lifeblood (Dranei's can pop Gift of the Narru) and your good to go :)
Practice. When you manage to cast a heal after earthbind, you win against all rogues. If you have proper gear that is.
LUTRAPHOBIA!!! :mad: you will feel my wrath again!!!! JK, much love to you lol, i had u down to almost zero in STV, then the hunter, (who i did NOT call for help and was FIFTEEN) came in and helped idk why. Did you get hat?!?!

KK thanks for the non-help guys, i hate running from a fight but I guess i have to, or just crutch on lifeblood when its 225. Hunters are surprisingly easier than rogues for me, dunno why.

PS: Is stoneclaw glyph BiS? Feel like it takes one or maybe two hits from someone geared.
Nope no hat for me :( missed arena too cause a group of 3 80 horde decided they wanted it..then after that got a little bit more fishing in but not much cause those 3 and 2 more friends decided to come camp me and my 80 for 30 minutes.. not too fun. Sad thing is, I have two pairs of boots already and an eternium fishing line too! Maybe next week.

&& I played a 29 enhancement shaman quite a bit, then it was earthbind+abolish poison+ghost wolf -> heal, which might be a little tricky on a 19 because of the lack of ghost wolf, but i imagine in 3.2 that will become a lot easier.. except i forget, is imp ghost wolf that low tier?
Shamans shouldnt have a problem with ANY class - period. You are probably trying to heal WAY too late or are kiting wrong.

I havn't lost to a rogue on my shaman for probably a year and a half now, rogue's just don't have the ability to do so unless they are stacked full of nature resistance. Even then.. it is very possible, and not very hard.
For rogues, I save my glyph shield for when I need to heal. Also, Naaru+Lifeblood ftw

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