Few questions about 29 twinking (EU)

Hello :)

I have decided to make a level 29 Twink. But before gearing him and making a transfer, i would like to know a few things:

What is the most active battlegroup for 29 twinks (EU)?

Which server is the most active for Alliance, and which one for Horde?

How active is the battlegroup? - do you have daily WSG and AB games, if yes, at what times? (Server Time)

How about Arena, is this quite populair?

As said above I'm making a 29 twink - Fire Mage ;)
Glectar said:
Hello :)

I have decided to make a level 29 Twink. But before gearing him and making a transfer, i would like to know a few things:

What is the most active battlegroup for 29 twinks (EU)?

Which server is the most active for Alliance, and which one for Horde?

How active is the battlegroup? - do you have daily WSG and AB games, if yes, at what times? (Server Time)

How about Arena, is this quite populair?

As said above I'm making a 29 twink - Fire Mage ;)

There is only one active EU battlegroup for 29 and that's Cruelty.

Most active Ally guild right now is probably Remembered on Darkmoon Faire and for Horde Mighty Mighty Doom Squad also on Darkmoon Faire. There are some other servers with activity though, ask on our chatroom.

Usually we have games every day at 22h (and that has been consistent since patch 3.2 came, with a few slow days now and then) but patch 3.3 has put a dent in this as everyone is farming for their blues. However, tonight at 2130h server time the next twink Warsong Gulch is scheduled. Time to try out your shiny new items!

If you'd like to know more join us in our chatroom channel name: EU-Nightfall

or on the official Cruelty forums
Glectar said:
How about Arena, is this quite populair?

Only point that was missed; and yes arena is pretty popular, depends a bit on the night but a few times a week you can get up versus a good variate of teams; tho mostly 2v2 with an occasional 3v3 (or 4v4 on Darkmoon Faire's Gurubashi Arena).

We are still lacking some interest for the 5v5's, but with 3v3's we can slowly crawl our way into the 5v5's :].
i give you a tip

start twinking when you are level 10

go in the bgs and get all badges and honor to buy items for 29

then , when you are level 25 or something

start twinking

when you ding 28 stop

get the best gear avaible and start playing as a twink in xp on bg

avoide geting xp by leaving bg when your team is about to score

have a lot of fun

you will get accidentally xp but until level 29 you have 50.000 xp - so enjoy
RC-ST. said:
i give you a tip

start twinking when you are level 10

go in the bgs and get all badges and honor to buy items for 29

then , when you are level 25 or something

start twinking

when you ding 28 stop

get the best gear avaible and start playing as a twink in xp on bg

avoide geting xp by leaving bg when your team is about to score

have a lot of fun

you will get accidentally xp but until level 29 you have 50.000 xp - so enjoy

just sigh.... he is looking for non-xp twinks...not for some recycle twink games...
don t listen to him, he is just a snob twink and he haven t played with his twink since 3.20

listen to me and you will have fun!

also, you can try spinebreaker Eu - horde - is the best realm for horde... lot s of cheap twink items, practicaly you can make a twink with 100 g :)

if you like ally

well it s even better, go ally, you won t win a game in the bg EVER!
Community idiot, posting comedic gold yet again.
RC-ST. said:
i give you a tip

start twinking when you are level 10

go in the bgs and get all badges and honor to buy items for 29

then , when you are level 25 or something

start twinking

when you ding 28 stop

get the best gear avaible and start playing as a twink in xp on bg

avoide geting xp by leaving bg when your team is about to score

have a lot of fun

you will get accidentally xp but until level 29 you have 50.000 xp - so enjoy

RC-ST. said:
don t listen to him, he is just a snob twink and he haven t played with his twink since 3.20

listen to me and you will have fun!

also, you can try spinebreaker Eu - horde - is the best realm for horde... lot s of cheap twink items, practicaly you can make a twink with 100 g :)

if you like ally

well it s even better, go ally, you won t win a game in the bg EVER!

I love you rc st. You're so bad that it looks like you're a professional troll.
unless you pay a hitman to silence me... i won t stop telling people the truth!

What s the matter, you can handle the truth?

Santa Claus does not exist!

And if he is a new twink what i ve told him to do is the best thing for a new twink

if he is a level 28 twink he will pwn everybody there and he will got 24 hours bg fun

you are just angry because you are an old twink who was banned from the bg and now you can t accept that your twink died...
RC-ST. said:
unless you pay a hitman to silence me... i won t stop telling people the truth!

What s the matter, you can handle the truth?

Santa Claus does not exist!

And if he is a new twink what i ve told him to do is the best thing for a new twink

if he is a level 28 twink he will pwn everybody there and he will got 24 hours bg fun

you are just angry because you are an old twink who was banned from the bg and now you can t accept that your twink died...

I can tolerate your uninformed babbling about TLA, but this goes too far. Stop promoting steamrolling lowbies, people like you are the reason twinks are so hated.

if every twink was like me no one would ve hated twinks

but unfortunately twinks are those level 70 80 who transfer gold to their level 19 rogue go ah and start pwning in the bg

i worked solo for my gear with just a level 29 not a dumb 80 in my back

so you are the reason twinks are so hated

you are the reason twinks exists

cause , to be honest, i am not a twink

i am just a level 29 who has the best gear

you are twinks cause you are just some level 80s who invested some gold in their level 19...

but i am really tired telling the same thing over and over again to some 12 years kids who recive their prepaid from their dad on christmas ...

this and the fact that i don t see too well with my left eye and i don t wana be blind

so you can read/write your bullshit here alone and promote the REAL good twinks with their REAL good weapons like stupid CM :(
well your majority burned some people few hundred years ago cause they said earth is a sphere

so stick with your majority - it rulz - not!
im not saying majority is always right. but use some logic and look at things from other peoples perspective. what do you think the new players, the people you are farmkilling in the xp-on battlegrounds think of you? would you be fine if there were a guy in your bg, farmkilling you because he got greater gear and knowledge than you, and you having no chance to kill him even once? you would go mad in 1 day. you would hate this player that destroys the fun for you.

and what about the twinks that play in xp-off bgs. you say that they are the reason people hate twinks? hmm wheres the logic, since there is only twinks in xp-off? do we twinks, hate twinks?

elaborate please, give us insight in your train of thought.
unless you pay a hitman to silence me... i won t stop telling people the truth!

What s the matter, you can handle the truth?

Santa Claus does not exist!

And if he is a new twink what i ve told him to do is the best thing for a new twink

if he is a level 28 twink he will pwn everybody there and he will got 24 hours bg fun

you are just angry because you are an old twink who was banned from the bg and now you can t accept that your twink died...


On the whole would you rather run around one shotting noobies and being unkillable winning games by yourself being cursed by both your team and the other team or would you rather play challenging games where everyone is well geared and practiced?

Apparently RC-ST would rather have the first option, which means he must clearly suck at PvP where the opponent has a chance and so deludes himself by thinking he has skills by killing noobs.

Everyone hates you, they don't hate twinks who go away and do their own thing and have MORE fun.

well your majority burned some people few hundred years ago cause they said earth is a sphere

so stick with your majority - it rulz - not!

The Nazi minority gassed 5 million Jews. So stick with your majority - it rulz - not!

(and yes they were a minority they never got more than 30% of the vote)
RC-ST. said:
well your majority burned some people few hundred years ago cause they said earth is a sphere

so stick with your majority - it rulz - not!

whats your favourite kind of food. whats your favourite tv show. whats your hobby. i want to know more about u because yr interesting to me
I won't advice anyone, any twink to do like RC-ST is doing, i.e, playing in exp bg with your twink, and I won't expect most of twinks here, to back up this idea, at all. But still I'm doing it too, it require a bit more skill than just "pawning" everything...Basicly they can see your position on the map like permanently, so if your "lowbies", as you call them, are smart and reconize they can't kill you, they can just avoid you...at 29, it's simple, they can mount up, and you can't with the flag...so they can outrun you anyday... so don't get too much pity on people that are simply begging you to kill them, or think they are skilled/geared enought to get you, like 28 29 rogues etc...

Secondly that type of "control" in warsong, CAN NOT be done in arathi, unless you have the whole team inside, preventing anybody to capture any node till the end of time... So if ppl don't want to cross us, they have still two options, stop bg pvping and go questing, or go inside AB. That's quite good enought don't you think?

And when you think about it, I doubt it last long, because they could possibly get a simple fix going, like giving a few exp points at the start of the bg, and it's basicly the end of the deal. So I'm gonna enjoy it as much as I can before this eventually happen, and I'm gonna see what is the next step...

But people don't try to think you are smarter or "better" than 'us'...you know exaclty what most old school twinks were doing... "farming"... and I was not one of them, surprisingly, with my first twink back @60 cap, I was always playing for the win, scoring flag more than anybody... But I was playing my twink... Guess what, I still want to play my twink not just one or two games a night on BG no exp, that's not good enought for me... so I guess it's payback time, and I take back all flags I scored into flags I won't score...

You guys know exaclty what the first twink ever was doing, certainly not trying to fight another twink (not that I don't love it, I love it, I embrace it, I'm all happy when Ive got another twink to fight me)... don't try to deny your most inner nature...Tell me one second you never killed a green player ever ? I'm not even talking about greys, because I don't do that, I don't play for glory, or killing blows, I play for HK's...

Again I won't try to tell ppl to follow that path but you can't blame us for doing it... that would be denying yourself...

But what if everybody was doing it ? Well we wouldn't be as close of dying as we are know... and maybe even Blizzard would finaly submit and give us what we are asking, continent wize No exp games...

A lot of twinks decided to die quietly, fine, but I won't...

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