Feral gloves

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The thing is... as you know, attacks from the front can be dodged, parried, blocked etc and expertise reduces that risk. This was useful for landing gogues as a rogue *an attack that can only be made from the front of your enemy*

Now that there is no attack in the bracket that needs to be aimed at the target's front there is no point for rogues to use them.

Ferals never had an attack that needed to be aimed at the target's front, therefore they never should have even had them in the first place.

Yes I understand it is impossible to aim every single attack at your target's back every single time, but that's what practice is all about.

Using foreman's is almost like an excuse for not getting behind your enemy. You're setting yourself up for failure. However with an attack every 2 seconds or so, I don't find it too difficult to aim for my target's back. Every single attack made at an enemy's back makes whatever expertise you have = 0. It is 100% pointless if you attack correctly. Just really focus on doing this and I can assure you that after a few days or so you'll be confident enough to take off the training wheels and see that when you attack an opponent correctly expertise is a wasted stat.

This horse has been beaten, pronounced dead, resurrected and beaten again. Take the information I listed above and decide for yourself which route you want to take.

Thanks Mocha, will be using Fang Gloves.
I thought it was a pretty good/viable question...

Really isn't hard to time attacks. The same as a rogue would time an ambush against a backstrafer. It really isn't a problem.
This question has been asked and answered several times. Every decent rogue has a /stopattack macro for the situations when they can't hit their target's back, I am sure Mocha does.
Really isn't hard to time attacks. The same as a rogue would time an ambush against a backstrafer. It really isn't a problem.
Are you really this dumb? You open on EFC on roof. He drops down to shelf and backstrafes. As long as he chooses his routes well, you should never be able to get a hit off on his back unless you get the chance to restealth.
Either you're cranky about his rating list or you're on the "Disrespect Mocha" bandwagon.
Umm, what does this have to do with anything? I was asking a valid question and a lot of people agree that hitting the target's back 100% of the time is unrealistic.

Who are you again? Oh yeah, you're that mage that Alliance tried to afk out so we could get someone that is more useful than a battle standard.
Are you really trying to flame me right now for not afking while being farmed? Like I said, you're useless.How ironic. You're riding Mocha's dick right now, several people have already mentioned it to me as well.You do realize he was joking and was making fun of Mocha right? You just hit rock bottom now you really look like a clown.Yep.

I... I can't take you seriously with the signature photo and avatar photo.
On topic, I say Gloves of the Fang - Item - World of Warcraft over Foreman's Gloves - Item - World of Warcraft.
Maybe he was tired of trying to justify himself to someone who obviously getting way to much pleasure trolling him. On Topic: Fang Gloves ftw
Maybe he was tired of trying to justify himself to someone who obviously getting way to much pleasure trolling him. On Topic: Fang Gloves ftw
On to the real talk, you can call it at unrealistic as you like, but you're doing it wrong if you don't have said stopattack macro that Arkant even mentioned.
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