Feral Druid BIS scaling gear


Could anyone provide me an armory or list with the best scaling items for a horde feral druid?
I want to aim for high crit
Why Feral, why? :(

Alredy have two resto druids and im not a huge fan of balance / guardian druid. And i've played feral a bit before in wotlk / cata.

Then we cant really ignore the huge crit my resto druids can pull of in cat form =D
Alredy have two resto druids and im not a huge fan of balance / guardian druid. And i've played feral a bit before in wotlk / cata.

Then we cant really ignore the huge crit my resto druids can pull of in cat form =D

Wotlk and cata ferals don't really have anyhing common with wod feral doe =/
Sadly no. But I cant compare it to anything else since I only played feral at that time :p

Going for a crit based build I belive

Well I want atleast one horde character so and I love taurens cat form
Well if you go for crit u should use Lava dredged but then it's weapon damage is pretty low so your shreds will do a little less damage (only gives 4 crit tho I think)
Well if you go for crit u should use Lava dredged but then it's weapon damage is pretty low so your shreds will do a little less damage (only gives 4 crit tho I think)

Weapon damage doesn't affect feral abilities' damage as far as I know, only DPS does. Lava dredger gives +6 crit

Yeah but 3 resto druids is a bit overkill ^^
Don't think so personally, if you actually like the spec. Also, I assume you want the wotlk/cata feral feel, so resto dps would feel more like that as I said. But yeah play w/e you like by all means
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Weapon damage doesn't affect feral abilities' damage as far as I know, only DPS does. Lava dredger gives +6 crit

Don't think so personally, if you actually like the spec. Also, I assume you want the wotlk/cata feral feel, so resto dps would feel more like that as I said. But yeah play w/e you like by all means

Yes and no at the same time. I want a feral druid just to have one basicly. Then how much im going to spend playing the character once i've finished getting all the gear required remains to see ^^
Mop feral doesn't have that stupid over powered bite... Just a hard bite and they can be soloed with ease on an arms warrior. And rip was actually useful
Weapon damage does not affect bite damage but it does affect shred damage slightly

Yeah you're right actually, my bad. Also, tbh ferocious bite scaling has been broken since cata, it's just even more obvious now due to ferals being OP even without the retarded FB scaling.

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