Hey guys! For those of you that check into our podcasts I HIGHLY recommend you listen to this week's cast! One of my favorite casts, wanted to encourage you guys to hear our ideas out! Bump worthy
I took the time today to update my "Learn About Fearthebuns" panel underneath my stream with a FAQ! Let me know if you guys think of a question I could add that would make the panel more beneficial for Twinking/The Stream!
Talking about Duopaladin, who likes to see a screenshot on which we can see Duopaladin raged quit in WSG? (yup, I got one) Someone in our team called him out being a douche and can't win without his premade. Result: he raged.
Talking about Duopaladin, who likes to see a screenshot on which we can see Duopaladin raged quit in WSG? (yup, I got one) Someone in our team called him out being a douche and can't win without his premade. Result: he raged.