FC Hunter?


FC Hunter at 19 worth using time and money on? Anyone with a armory link to a 19 FC Hunter? Please tell me your opinion and a link to an armory if you have it ;)
pretty much a stam cow like any other FC class

mail helm for the armor
14 stam to shoulder (heavy borean armor kit)
14 stam to chest
9 stam to monkey version cloak (enchant mighty stamina)
15 stam to bracers (enchant bracer major stamina)
24 stam to bristlebark gloves (glove reinforcements)
monkey belt
9 stam and MS to boots (enchant boots boars speed) does give 9 stam, tooltip is incorrect

time and gold...depends if you are US or EU. US 15-19's is dead
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Lucky Fishing hat/Leather BoA Helm
Scout's Medallion
Mail BoA shoulders
Tumultous Cloak of Stamina
Leather BoA chest
Black Wolf Bracers with 9 stamina
Bow of Ire
Bristlebark Gloves/Blackened Defias Gloves
Vigorous Belt of the Monkey
Leggings of the Fang/Blackened Defias Leggings
Feet of the Lynx
Signet of Argas
Ello's Band
Arena Grand Master
Either of the BoA trinkets
I definitely enjoyed FCing on my 19 hunter.

LFH debatable but why would one use leather boa instead of mail when FCing?
Why leather boa chest considering you'll get hitcapped from boa helm + ellos band? (unless using LFH)
Why black wolf bracers instead of Bracer of the ancient grove?
Bow of ire debatable, can't put good enchants/scopes on that
Why legging of the fang/defias legs when you can't put new enchants on those and loom legs are better in stats anyways?
Lucky Fishing hat/Leather BoA Helm
Scout's Medallion
Mail BoA shoulders
Tumultous Cloak of Stamina
Leather BoA chest
Black Wolf Bracers with 9 stamina
Bow of Ire
Bristlebark Gloves/Blackened Defias Gloves
Vigorous Belt of the Monkey
Leggings of the Fang/Blackened Defias Leggings
Feet of the Lynx
Signet of Argas
Ello's Band
Arena Grand Master
Either of the BoA trinkets
I definitely enjoyed FCing on my 19 hunter.

wrong lol? i listed mostly the enchants

i say 15 stam to bracers (enchant bracer major stamina) and you say 9 stam.?

you must be going off pizza's old build list/guide (non FC related) in where leather BOA helm was #! and fishing hat was #2 if you didn't have #1 . this made no sense and i did ask pizza why the mail BOA helm was excluded, never got a answer and the thread continued.

for FCing, imo fishing hat or BOA mail helm, i would use the BOA.

3 stam necklace imo would be better for FC, it's what the stam cows use, and maybe two 5 stam rings

agree with cloak, if you ever get it in a satchel, none of my P2P or F2P hunters have ever gotten the all stam version

14 stam kit (heavy borean armor kit) can only be applied to BOA shoulders, and chest item by your main

using leather BOA chest over mail BOA chest.?

BOA mail leggings if you are FC stam cowing, you would use same spellthread (soulbinds BOEs) or heavy borean armor kit you main applies. leggings of the fang cannot have these applied, defias leggings could but imo are not better or even a alternative

there is no reason to go defias leggings and gloves for the armor bonus when BOA mail leggings out do them
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