FC class

prot pal is nice for self heals, parry block dodge, good cds

blood dk also for self heals, parry n dodge with some nice cds

im sure warrior could do well too, just no self heals
mh, i can't kill him cauz my scorch hit for 400. (pre 4.1 resil nerf)

can't give an armory link cauz he level his char with 4.1. (no need waiting 3 hour for one bg >,>)
Thanks for the response so far.

Would you just stack resi or go for a mix of resi/stam (till X k hp)?

I'm more looking into a class with a tanking spec. I have a resto druid myself and yes they are quite good FCers.

It just seems so difficult to choose. All 3 have a silence, warr has 2 charges to get out of trouble and some nice CDs, but no heals. Pala and dk have heals and also some nice "oh shit" buttons.
any blood dk prot pala should die in a strangulate so prot warrior best choice , feral no way
Demo lock with a pocket healer is pretty sweet. Up to 30% extra healing and glyphed soul link gives 25% damage reduction. Also, in demon form, you have like 20k armor.

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