Favorite hero thread.

How do you like Karthus? I'm thinking of buying him. He just seems like a ridiculously annoying harasser in lanes, and his Ultimate is just crazy. His power in early-mid game is just ridiculous imo.
Painaid said:
How do you like Karthus? I'm thinking of buying him. He just seems like a ridiculously annoying harasser in lanes, and his Ultimate is just crazy. His power in early-mid game is just ridiculous imo.

That's not my screen shot but the guy who's it was really liked him. He just showed me that because of Jax's items and I laughed pretty hard.
I went back to playing Taric, and realized how incredibly OP he is. He has a ranged stun, OP armor aura that you can activate to do 300 damage to everyone around you, a heal that has basically no cooldown, infinite mana, and an ultimate that I dont even know how to describe. That coupled with the ability to solo turrets, god its ridiculous. Even in losing games I usually get at least 12 kills and max around 3 deaths.

And what do you guys think of the new guy (Xin Zhao?) Every time I've played against him he either fed the whole game or raped most of our team.


Leavers also ruin the game

And yes my win/loss sucks
We each had to solo, we outleveled them to shit (at least i did, the rest of my team pretty much fed). I ended up having to float between the lanes to save my team mates, not fun :(
McBankington said:
We're you laning with that kennan? Lol

Nah, Eve + Ashe.

The eve didnt know what oracle's elixir was and kept raging about how i was hacking, and i kept stunning ashe in turret range
Pretty positive Xin is getting nerfed. While there's plenty of bads playing him atm because he's new, his scaling seems a bit off the charts to me, especially for melee classes. During midgame his ultimate can take down all 5 enemy champions health by half in just a split second. Add this on top of his stuns and silences. Yeah...I believe Riot said they're toning him down.

As for Taric, I completely agree. I absolutely hate laning against him.
Painaid said:
Pretty positive Xin is getting nerfed. While there's plenty of bads playing him atm because he's new, his scaling seems a bit off the charts to me, especially for melee classes. During midgame his ultimate can take down all 5 enemy champions health by half in just a split second. Add this on top of his stuns and silences. Yeah...I believe Riot said they're toning him down.

As for Taric, I completely agree. I absolutely hate laning against him.

Agreed about Xin, played against a GOOD one earlier, and it was ridiculous. He popped his ult and 3 people were 50-0'd, at level 16-18.

Picked up Ezreal, and I am doing retardedly well with him. I hardly ever die, and he just hits so damn hard. Only thing I hate about him is when you use a skillshot, and a minion walks in front of you a split second before you cast it, so gay :\
I luuuuuuuuv Mastier Yi.

My last match:


I'm really starting to get good at this game. :D

It's basically same thing as wow, except that when you die you spend gold on gear, and you switch targets alot more often.

I'll have to post some vids of what Master Yi can really do. I'm talking about 2-3sec tops, enemy dead.
Painaid said:
Yeah, that's annoying. I'm guessing you play him AD as well?

There really isn't a much better way to play him, at least in my opinion.

crusade said:
Lately it's been amumu, fiddlesticks or pantheon. All fun champs.

I tried fiddlesticks for a little bit, he was sort of fun, not really for me though.
Just played rammus again now that I know the game, have never had this much fun in LoL.
I've seen Garen and Olaf really tear up other champs, I'm thinking of rolling one of them if I end up with another sucky ass team.
McBankington said:
Just played rammus again now that I know the game, have never had this much fun in LoL.

For a few games my champion select was bugged or something, and kept putting me with Rammus, and it is really so much fun.
Orcgasm said:
For a few games my champion select was bugged or something, and kept putting me with Rammus, and it is really so much fun.

Second game I played with him our entire team was melee and they were for the most part ranged, and I ended out lanning with blitzcrank, and we we're going again Ashe and Kog'Maw, they just kept sniping us and harrasing endlessly.

it was horrible. We lost in 26 minutes. Our lane was second to die.

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