US Farming Gnomer for 28 boe blues who wants an inv?

This is generally how Gnomer works (for 20’s) :-
Blue world BoE’s armour will scale to ilvl 28, req 20
Blue world BoE’s weapons will scale to ilvl 30, req 22
Gnomer specific blues will still require lvl 24, so won’t be useable. For 29 toons, I’m sure Gnomer specific blues will scale
Greens follow usual scaling, except where @tence u found that ilvl 25 green. Those groups of mobs around the edges near where the Electrocutioner is, they drop unscaled loot. I picked up a green that req lvl 21 yesterday from them. I think it’s just one of those mobs that has unscaled loot. Some of them still scale.
And bosses will quite often drop non-scaled greens also.
Boss blues req lvl 24, but u can get the mogs from them.
I quite often kill some trash mobs in between bg queues.
Wish I could join u guys. I’m off to work now though :eek:
This is generally how Gnomer works (for 20’s) :-
Blue world BoE’s armour will scale to ilvl 28, req 20
Blue world BoE’s weapons will scale to ilvl 30, req 22
Gnomer specific blues will still require lvl 24, so won’t be useable. For 29 toons, I’m sure Gnomer specific blues will scale
Greens follow usual scaling, except where @tence u found that ilvl 25 green. Those groups of mobs around the edges near where the Electrocutioner is, they drop unscaled loot. I picked up a green that req lvl 21 yesterday from them. I think it’s just one of those mobs that has unscaled loot. Some of them still scale.
And bosses will quite often drop non-scaled greens also.
Boss blues req lvl 24, but u can get the mogs from them.
I quite often kill some trash mobs in between bg queues.
Wish I could join u guys. I’m off to work now though :eek:

add me on realid tence#1950. We can get you in when we do it more
This is generally how Gnomer works (for 20’s) :-
Blue world BoE’s armour will scale to ilvl 28, req 20
Blue world BoE’s weapons will scale to ilvl 30, req 22
Gnomer specific blues will still require lvl 24, so won’t be useable. For 29 toons, I’m sure Gnomer specific blues will scale

Greens follow usual scaling, except where @tence u found that ilvl 25 green. Those groups of mobs around the edges near where the Electrocutioner is, they drop unscaled loot. I picked up a green that req lvl 21 yesterday from them. I think it’s just one of those mobs that has unscaled loot. Some of them still scale.
And bosses will quite often drop non-scaled greens also.
Boss blues req lvl 24, but u can get the mogs from them.
I quite often kill some trash mobs in between bg queues.
Wish I could join u guys. I’m off to work now though :eek:

Wow thats weird, but if this is the case then wouldnt it be better to farm for them elsewhere as a 20 so we would get more than just armor

Im down to try some tho either way.
20 resto/enh shammy

Be on in a few hrs
Wow thats weird, but if this is the case then wouldnt it be better to farm for them elsewhere as a 20 so we would get more than just armor

Im down to try some tho either way.
20 resto/enh shammy

Be on in a few hrs
Weapons will usually only scale to 23 or 30. I don’t believe u can get a scaled blue weapon at 20 of any other level.
U still have access to unscaled blues in chests, but I’m fairly certain there’s not much else in between in terms of ilvl.
I feel Gnomer is one of the better places to have a crack at scaled gear, even if it’s just Armor or Rings.
Gnomer is our end game raid for 20’s :p
I've seen plenty of vibroblades (from gonmer) in the AH but they are always level 24. So the question is it possible to get a better version.

WowHead is sometimes confusing because it lets you scale any item to any level, but that does not mean it can actually drop at that level ever in game.

Just like Combatants Claymore for warriors, there is supposedly a magical level 34 version but nobody has it that I know of.
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@tence, @Dcm & myself tried a few runs today. I believe only a zone-desginated Rare BoE dropped for @tence, and it was out of his required level range.

Got another pair of brawlers gloves off of the regular elite mobs as well, which was surprising to me. I'm confused by gnomer.

So far in about 40 runs I've gotten two Ilvl 28 blues and four zone drop blue boe weps (req lvl24). The Green drops alone make this grind worth it for FTPs/Low population server vets.
Got another pair of brawlers gloves off of the regular elite mobs as well, which was surprising to me. I'm confused by gnomer.

So far in about 40 runs I've gotten two Ilvl 28 blues and four zone drop blue boe weps (req lvl24). The Green drops alone make this grind worth it for FTPs/Low population server vets.
What greens you get?
U get so many mogs as a F2P/Vet from the greens alone in Gnomer. And if u r in a group, u can need the chests and pick up the unscaled item mogs also.
It’s a low drop rate, but I think it would have the best chance of producing ilvl 28 blues for us 20’s.
This is generally how Gnomer works (for 20’s) :-
Blue world BoE’s armour will scale to ilvl 28, req 20
Blue world BoE’s weapons will scale to ilvl 30, req 22
Gnomer specific blues will still require lvl 24, so won’t be useable. For 29 toons, I’m sure Gnomer specific blues will scale
Greens follow usual scaling, except where @tence u found that ilvl 25 green. Those groups of mobs around the edges near where the Electrocutioner is, they drop unscaled loot. I picked up a green that req lvl 21 yesterday from them. I think it’s just one of those mobs that has unscaled loot. Some of them still scale.
And bosses will quite often drop non-scaled greens also.
Boss blues req lvl 24, but u can get the mogs from them.
I quite often kill some trash mobs in between bg queues.
Wish I could join u guys. I’m off to work now though :eek:
Late reply, but I know that you've done lots and lots of Gnomer, but have you tried Stockades by any chance?
Stockades is good if you want items in the 18/19 level range instead of 20-24 which is what you find in gnomer.
Stockades is good if you want items in the 18/19 level range instead of 20-24 which is what you find in gnomer.
Thats what I thought, it's just I have yet to see anyone post any ilvl 28s from there. Could be where you get a properly scaled Darkweave, Keller's, Starsight etc etc.
Thats what I thought, it's just I have yet to see anyone post any ilvl 28s from there. Could be where you get a properly scaled Darkweave, Keller's, Starsight etc etc.

There arent that many people farming and there are only so many good items from this (world drops) but Lynx, kellers and Starsight are sure bis and stocks is the place for em.
I'm gonna switch it up and farm stocks for a bit. See if I can prove if any blue ilvl 28 blues can drop there. If anyone wants in let me know!
Late reply, but I know that you've done lots and lots of Gnomer, but have you tried Stockades by any chance?
I have done Stockades from time to time but not a lot of blues drop there.
Also, I think the blues may scale to ilvl 23 in Stockades. I think Gnomer is the only dungeon to get the ilvl 28’s.
Hope u guys have some success. Would be interesting to see how u go.

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