Farming Duo Style.

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Oh snap! He has a live. This has got to be the best argument I've seen in a while (from duo atleast.)

Except that his insults are invalid seeing as he won't even play us :( How can he justify insulting someone who he doesn't even have the balls to play against is beyond me.

I'll PM you later Sam and try and set up a night, maybe we could get other 5man's to que also to increase the chance of getting another 5man group!
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Today, 03:41 AMThepriesto
Re: Farming Duo Style.

"i love how Kratos thinks he can beat any one with his 15k hks haha what? u play for like a week and get bored? That tooon looks more like a pve twink that farms gear all day to "still" get raped in pvp. Maybe if you pvped more and did gnomer less you would even have a chance of playing against my team.
Today, 03:36 AMThepriesto
Re: Farming Duo Style.

And Thanks Sam for clearing that up, if you guys haven't already noticed im not one to wait, i mean for any one. maybe after i get my 100k hks i would drop 3-5 ques.. "laugh" but till then u could ram it up ur arse, but hey ur welcome to keep queing and praying one day your team will get the luxury of getting raped by one of my premades.
Today, 03:31 AMThepriesto
Re: Farming Duo Style.

Haha when i was ally? lol u mean my trial scrub pally duopally not duopaladin. i got over 100 twink added on real id its usually not hard to find a twink farmed some premades yesterday some pally named twinkerella hunter named Gat and boheos or something like that , also faced an ally team with 5 ally heals 2 holy pallys arkangel and some other pally and 3 priest they got raped, all the priest afked out and the pallys stoped spawning except one prot pally lvl 24 named swoopscoops or something like that. and your all alliance now wow i would love to rape your team but you guys keep comin on my realm and Trollin so maybe i shouldn't hahaha then u guys could complain some more on these forums! lol"

Ok I know it's hard for you, but the options were A or B, go ahead bud, try again.
Haha when i was ally? lol u mean my trial scrub pally duopally not duopaladin. i got over 100 twink added on real id its usually not hard to find a twink farmed some premades yesterday some pally named twinkerella hunter named Gat and boheos or something like that , also faced an ally team with 5 ally heals 2 holy pallys arkangel and some other pally and 3 priest they got raped, all the priest afked out and the pallys stoped spawning except one prot pally lvl 24 named swoopscoops or something like that. and your all alliance now wow i would love to rape your team but you guys keep comin on my realm and Trollin so maybe i shouldn't hahaha then u guys could complain some more on these forums! lol

And Thanks Sam for clearing that up, if you guys haven't already noticed im not one to wait, i mean for any one. maybe after i get my 100k hks i would drop 3-5 ques.. "laugh" but till then u could ram it up ur arse, but hey ur welcome to keep queing and praying one day your team will get the luxury of getting raped by one of my premades.

i love how Kratos thinks he can beat any one with his 15k hks haha what? u play for like a week and get bored? That tooon looks more like a pve twink that farms gear all day to "still" get raped in pvp. Maybe if you pvped more and did gnomer less you would even have a chance of playing against my team.

Wow saying you have 15k hk is an insult haha you challenging me is More of an insult haha what everytime you are about to lose you afk, so you only have 15k hks you rage quit lol dude its a FACT not a Insult that you must suck, cause it takes any normal twink a week to get 15k hk your so good and you only got 15k hk tryin to challenge my 87k sigh. This is a battle ive already Won, Do some more pvp or something.... you aint fooling anyone buy your self "real" insult , no wonder your Characters name is Gay hahaha Trolllolol go be Gay some where else.

Ok I know it's hard for you, but the options were A or B, go ahead bud, try again.
Wow saying you have 15k hk is an insult haha you challenging me is More of an insult haha what everytime you are about to lose you afk, so you only have 15k hks you rage quit lol dude its a FACT not a Insult that you must suck, cause it takes any normal twink a week to get 15k hk your so good and you only got 15k hk tryin to challenge my 87k sigh. This is a battle ive already Won, Do some more pvp or something.... you aint fooling anyone buy your self "real" insult , no wonder your Characters name is Gay hahaha Trolllolol go be Gay some where else.

Lets assume you're right and it takes any normal twink to get 15Hk in one week.
Your last achievement for 50k Hk's is dated 3/18/2012, now seeing as it's now 5/4/1012, we can round down, for your sake, and say it's been 7 weeks since that achieve. So simple math (which I'll assume you need help with as you can't even answer the A or B question that has been proposed to you multiple times) is 7 times 15k, which is 105k. That being said, you should be at 155k Hk's right now, but after seeing your signature you only have 85k :( Maybe you should check your math before trying to look good infront of your cronies.
"Contrary to the commandments outlined in the fifth chapter, the amount of Honorable Kills one has achieved over time is not proportional to the immensity of one's phallus; rather, it exhibits the player's devotion to spending the majority of their life operating a computer, repeating the same scenarios to gain said Honorable Kills." -Sun Tzu, The Art of Warcraft translated by Richard G. Lancelot

This thread...
Lets assume you're right and it takes any normal twink to get 15Hk in one week.
Your last achievement for 50k Hk's is dated 3/18/2012, now seeing as it's now 5/4/1012, we can round down, for your sake, and say it's been 7 weeks since that achieve. So simple math (which I'll assume you need help with as you can't even answer the A or B question that has been proposed to you multiple times) is 7 times 15k, which is 105k. That being said, you should be at 155k Hk's right now, but after seeing your signature you only have 85k :( Maybe you should check your math before trying to look good infront of your cronies.

+1 for Gay.

PS. Thanks for not really farming us much, and getting the game over with earlier tonight Gay. I was bummed when I hopped in partway through, but you got it over fast. Thanks!
+1 for Gay.

PS. Thanks for not really farming us much, and getting the game over with earlier tonight Gay. I was bummed when I hopped in partway through, but you got it over fast. Thanks!

Thank you Marz, and sorry about that :( We qued with three hoping to get into a game with more 24's, it's upsetting when there aren't any 24's on the other team, one of the reasons we end it so fast.
Thank you Marz, and sorry about that :( We qued with three hoping to get into a game with more 24's, it's upsetting when there aren't any 24's on the other team, one of the reasons we end it so fast.

Haha its all good. Too bad I was on my druid, maybe next time Ill be on my priest with some of my friends. Till then, thanks for being a cool about it.
Just sad you left horde....
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