Farming +2 scope faster

So I started farming gnomer chests this way today.. it's definately faster and feels pretty slick. clear up to the parachute, then kill the guy to your right. Then keep going to the right and stand behind the last pillar near the center thingy. The last mob on the right will agro and you disengage + slowfall to the center gear thing, run over to the chest, loot it, then jump off for stylin death and repeat. You die each time and you can only do it 5 times ina row, but its only 2 mobs to kill per chest, and if you really wanna be fast about it, you can just run without killing anything which takes about 30 seconds.

happy farming :)
Nice idea. Would help to have some screenshots. I've used Disengage + S.A.F.E. Parachute in AB to fly all the way from LM to Farm. Really a shame it's unique, but great that it's even available at this level.

Here's a link to the original post for those who haven't seen it:

Secret to farming +2 Standard Scope
So I started farming gnomer chests this way today.. it's definately faster and feels pretty slick. clear up to the parachute, then kill the guy to your right. Then keep going to the right and stand behind the last pillar near the center thingy. The last mob on the right will agro and you disengage + slowfall to the center gear thing, run over to the chest, loot it, then jump off for stylin death and repeat. You die each time and you can only do it 5 times ina row, but its only 2 mobs to kill per chest, and if you really wanna be fast about it, you can just run without killing anything which takes about 30 seconds.

happy farming :)

I remember reading this a few days ago, so I decided to give it a shot. I farmed it the traditional way on my other hunter, but didn't want to invest the time for the new one.

Needless to say, I did the "you can run without killing anything" method, and it legitimately takes about 30 seconds if you do it that way. Took about 5 minutes before I had my scope. Thanks for the tip :D
So I started farming gnomer chests this way today.. it's definately faster and feels pretty slick. clear up to the parachute, then kill the guy to your right. Then keep going to the right and stand behind the last pillar near the center thingy. The last mob on the right will agro and you disengage + slowfall to the center gear thing, run over to the chest, loot it, then jump off for stylin death and repeat. You die each time and you can only do it 5 times ina row, but its only 2 mobs to kill per chest, and if you really wanna be fast about it, you can just run without killing anything which takes about 30 seconds.

happy farming :)

Love to know how that's possible considering everytime I click the box it gets interrupted by the 4 mobs on that platform slamming their fists into my face.
Love to know how that's possible considering everytime I click the box it gets interrupted by the 4 mobs on that platform slamming their fists into my face.

first off you need a dismissed pet. After you have made the jump to the middle summon your pet to attack the first trogg in the middle, then move to the next trogg which will be next to the box. scatter shot it and quickly open the box.

so the first trogg should be attacking your pet, and the other one should be under the effect of scatter shot.

There's only 2 enemies anyway, so GL if are still confused just say so.
first off you need a dismissed pet. After you have made the jump to the middle summon your pet to attack the first trogg in the middle, then move to the next trogg which will be next to the box. scatter shot it and quickly open the box.

so the first trogg should be attacking your pet, and the other one should be under the effect of scatter shot.

There's only 2 enemies anyway, so GL if are still confused just say so.

I'm the first to admit that I'm entirely retarded (Had no idea there was a portal in Gromgol, for instance, and actually ran the entire way into Gnomer)...But I did, and I'm proud of myself for this, figure out the dismiss pet necessity...

Still can't seem to get to the box each time, tho....i've gotten it a few times, but only looted junk...Seriously spent two or three hours trying this, and only got to loot the box maybe 3 or 4 times. Ugh.

I guess I just need to level my playing abilities, haha.
Just got my Standard Scope!!!!!

Thanks, Suntimehappy - The dismiss / scatter technique worked like a charm, got the scope on about the 3rd time I looted the chest.

Now back to farming for Ring of Precision. Sigh.

Thanks again!!!
Just got my Standard Scope!!!!!

Thanks, Suntimehappy - The dismiss / scatter technique worked like a charm, got the scope on about the 3rd time I looted the chest.

Now back to farming for Ring of Precision. Sigh.

Thanks again!!!

I've hit a brick wall with the ring, gl with it
I've hit a brick wall with the ring, gl with it

If by "brick wall" you mean "If I ever see the inside of BFD again I'm going to stab both my eyes out with a dull spork, sautee them in butter, and spoon feed them to Satan"...Then, yes, me too.

I don't even want to count how many times I've cleared, literally, every single trash mob in that place to no avail.

Are we *sure* the ring drops in BFD? I'm just saying...
Just got my Standard Scope!!!!!

Thanks, Suntimehappy - The dismiss / scatter technique worked like a charm, got the scope on about the 3rd time I looted the chest.

Now back to farming for Ring of Precision. Sigh.

Thanks again!!!

So from the entrance, I kill one, take parashute, go right, kill one, move to the pillar, get aggro, press Disengage and after that slowfall. That doesnt work for me, I just can't make it to the center.

Can someone post a screenshot from the place you stand where you disengage and use slowfall? And for which point do you aim for? It seems I can't ever make it that far...Tried it a lot. A LOT :)
So from the entrance, I kill one, take parashute, go right, kill one, move to the pillar, get aggro, press Disengage and after that slowfall. That doesnt work for me, I just can't make it to the center.

Can someone post a screenshot from the place you stand where you disengage and use slowfall? And for which point do you aim for? It seems I can't ever make it that far...Tried it a lot. A LOT :)

The way I did it was to turn my back square to the edge of the dropoff, and then strafe sideways towards the pillar and the aggroing mob bit by bit until aggro. You also have to hit the parachute just after disengaging, so that you don't lose any altitude before floating. Thirdly, of course, turn around in midair so you can see where you're going to land: on the off chance that you don't make it, you'll see clearly what you did wrong (too far to the left, not parachuting soon enough, etc) and be able to adjust for next time.

Another pro-tip: target the first mob on the gear before you do all this, and you can use your radar to ensure he is directly behind you, if you're afraid of missing the gear.

I ran this a fair number of times on my current main twink, Xiuying, and have only seen the scope drop once. I'm holding onto it to put it on my BoA bow, which I should have soon... *crosses fingers*

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