Farm Chaos Crystal for enchant Mark of the Hidden Satyr in F2P

Rare/Treasure Farm alt runs

With the addition of Warbands (shared alt bank for Gold/Reagents/BoE/Enchant Vellums etc purchasable from your bank tab for 1000g), I would suggest creating multiple "burner" characters to speedrun Legion rares for your character's armor proficiency (including rings/cloaks/necks/trinkets). As useful as the Rarefinder and SilverDragon addons are, they can be pretty cluttered. That is why I made a clean reverse-ordered waypoint list for TomTom that starts in Azsuna.

Breaking the 1 hour barrier on a Worgen Resto Druid with epic upgrades around 3-5 per run. Evoker might be good with Vigor buffs and it's a good break from Exile's Reach (I dont have allied Races either). List includes a <3 minute Blue reward quest in Highmountain...also the Undergrell Ringleader rare as it drops a plate helm for all proficiencies:

Removed: /way Highmountain 41.6 47 Cave to Apprentice Rosalyn Blue Quest-Demon Detainment (3 min 2 step quest but it could be ~3 more drops if you just reroll)

To paste this long list in TomTom use /ttpaste

Also change the TomTom addon settings for World Map to allow waypoints outside current zone and under "Waypoint Arrow" change to "Allow closest waypoint outside of current zone - this helps the addon from losing the tracker, or you can "Reset Waypoint Display" or just copy/paste the remaining waypoints if it bugs"

1st drop is of course the Legion "To Be Prepared" intro quest Ring (can proc epic). Skip the follow-up Battle for Broken Shore to teleport to Dalaran

PLATE (Panda DK F2P 33 pieces in about 33 minutes)
/way Stormheim 41.6 66.6 Glimar Ironfist
/way Stormheim 46.36 83.03 Cave to Fathnyr
/way Stormheim 72.37 50 Mordvigbjorn
/way Stormheim 61.6 43.4 Tarben
/way Stormheim 46.74 50.14 Tiptog the Lost
/way Stormheim 37.65 41 Bloodstalker Alpha (area patrol)
/way Stormheim 41.4, 31.8 Cave to Egyl The Enduring
/way Stormheim 44.2 22.8 Champion Elodie(HORDE) Deathguard Adams(ALLY)
/way Stormheim 35.53 18.67 Captain Tomas (Mother Clacker summon-HORDE)
/way Highmountain 56.3 61 Gurbog da Basher
/way Highmountain 52.3 58.58 Seemingly Unguarded Treasure
/way Highmountain 54.07 50.84 Cave to Taurson's Chest (NPC Duel)
/way Highmountain 54.54 40.64 Mynta Talonscreech (Scout Harefoot)
/way Highmountain 46.66 7.42 Mrrklr (NPC interact)
/way Highmountain 36.74 16.12 Bodash the Hoarder
/way Highmountain 41.4 32 Slumber
/way Highmountain 43.2 47.93 Cave to Amateur Hunters
/way Val'Sharah 49.08 47.27 Cave to Gathenak the Subjugator (interact)
/way Val'Sharah 59 34.05 Ironbranch
/way Val'Sharah 60.45 43.92 Dreadbog
/way Val'Sharah 66.05 52.69 Cave to Grelda the Hag
/way Val'Sharah 67.2 69.4 Undergrell Ringleader Event
/way Azsuna 55.2 45.8 Brawlgoth
/way Azsuna 50 34.6 Mrrgrl the Tide Reaver
/way Azsuna 32.7 28.41 Beacher (patrolling)
/way Azsuna 27.09 50.4 Commander Soraax -super rare
/way Azsuna 34.88 49.81 Cave to Ragemaw
/way Azsuna 35.4 50.4 Cache of Infernals
/way Azsuna 45.2 57.84 Flog the Captain Eater
/way Azsuna 49.42 57.95 Eternal Wedding Treasure Chest
/way Azsuna 67.11 51.34 Syphonus
/way Azsuna 65.43 56.71 Chief Bitterbrine
/way Azsuna 65.06 69.78 Seemingly Unguarded Treasure

/way Stormheim 61.6 43.4 Tarben
/way Stormheim 67.3 39.8 The Nameless King (interact)
/way Stormheim 72.37 50 Mordvigbjorn
/way Stormheim 64.86 51.8 Urgev the Flayer
/way Stormheim 59.8 68 Ivory Sentinel
/way Stormheim 46.36 83.03 Cave to Fathnyr
/way Stormheim 46.20 77.25 Bladesquall
/way Stormheim 47.1 57.8 Houndermaster Ely (HORDE only)
/way Stormheim 42 57.9 Hook & Sinker (ALLY only)
/way Stormheim 37.65 41 Bloodstalker Alpha (area patrol)
/way Highmountain 52.34 58.55 Seemingly Unguarded Treasure 2-pieces
/way Highmountain 46.66 7.42 Mrrklr - then FP to ThunderTotem
/way Highmountain 55.2 44.4 Cave to Devouring Darkness - then FP to Shipwreck Cove
/way Highmountain 54.54 40.64 Mynta Talonscreech (Scout Harefoot)
/way Highmountain 50.95 32 Skullhat
/way Highmountain 51 25.8 Shara Felbreath
/way Highmountain 41.47 32.38 Slumber
/way Val'Sharah 38 52.8 Theryssia (interact)
/way Val'Sharah 61.85 30.5 Lyrath Moonfeather
/way Val'Sharah 60.6 43.8 Dreadbog
/way Val'Sharah 66.05 52.69 Cave to Grelda the Hag
/way Val'Sharah 67.09 69.58 Undergrell Ringleader Event
/way Val'Sharah 60.6 90.6 Skul'vrax event NPC
/way Azsuna 59.8 12 Arcavellus (destroy rift adds)
/way Azsuna 50.19 7.77 Cave to Normantis the Desposed
/way Azsuna 50 34.6 Mrrgrl the Tide Reaver
/way Azsuna 47.3 34.2 Valiyaka the Stormbringer
/way Azsuna 43.24 28.31 Doomlord Kazrok (interact)
/way Azsuna 36.1 34 Arcanist Shal'iman
/way Azsuna 26.83 49.06 Legion Portal to Inquisitor Tivos
/way Azsuna 34.77 49.76 Cave to Ragemaw
/way Azsuna 45.2 57.84 Flog the Captain Eater
/way Azsuna 48.95 59.34 Cave to Glimmering Treasure Chest
/way Azsuna 49.42 57.95 Eternal Wedding Treasure Chest
/way Azsuna 59.69 55.19 The Oracle
/way Azsuna 65.43 56.71 Chief Bitterbrine
/way Azsuna 65.06 69.78 Seemingly Unguarded Treasure

/way Stormheim 46.36 83.03 Cave to Fathnyr
/way Stormheim 49.6 72 Stormwing Matriarch
/way Stormheim 51.8 74.7 Hannval the Butcher
/way Stormheim 58.4 75.7 Daniel "Boomer" Vorick (Horde only)
/way Stormheim 59.8 68 Ivory Sentinel INT/HYBRID specs
/way Stormheim 72.37 50 Mordvigbjorn
/way Stormheim 73.30 47.8 Kottr Vondyr
/way Stormheim 73,7 39.3 Helheim Portal (Fenri in East Cave)
/way Stormheim 61.6 43.4 Tarben
/way Stormheim 54.8 29.4 Starbuck
/way Stormheim 37.65 41 Bloodstalker Alpha (area patrol)
/way Highmountain 54.54 40.64 Mynta Talonscreech (Scout Harefoot)
/way Highmountain 52.34 58.55 Seemingly Unguarded Treasure
/way Highmountain 45.57 55.33 Sekhan (spawn)
/way Highmountain 46.66 7.42 Mrrklr (interact) - then FP to ThunderTotem
/way Highmountain 45.3 12.6 Crab Rider Grmlrml (coast patrol)
/way Highmountain 41.47 32.38 Slumber
/way Highmountain 37.75 45.7 Bristlemaul
/way Val'Sharah 67.10 37 Wraithtalon
/way Val'Sharah 60.6 43.8 Dreadbog
/way Val'Sharah 66.05 52.69 Cave to Grelda the Hag
/way Val'Sharah 67.09 69.58 Undergrell Ringleader Event
/way Val'Sharah 45.29 88.16 Bahagar
/way Azsuna 52.5, 22.6 Cailyn Paledoom
/way Azsuna 65.20, 40.05 Golza the Iron Fin (interact->event)
/way Azsuna 55.74 29.13 Pridelord Meowl
/way Azsuna 50 34.6 Mrrgrl the Tide Reaver
/way Azsuna 53.32 44 Captain Volo'ren (upper level)
/way Azsuna 43.55 24.55 Felwing (interact)
/way Azsuna 43.24 28.31 Doomlord Kazrok (interact) INT/HYBRID specs
/way Azsuna 29.44 53.2 Bilebrain
/way Azsuna 34.77 49.76 Cave to Ragemaw
/way Azsuna 33.33 42.58 Cave to Broodmother Lizax
/way Azsuna 41.0 41.7 Ravyn
/way Azsuna 45.2 57.84 Flog the Captain Eater
/way Azsuna 49.42 57.95 Eternal Wedding Treasure Chest
/way Azsuna 65.43 56.71 Chief Bitterbrine
/way Azsuna 65.06 69.78 Seemingly Unguarded Treasure
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I'm glad someone else did this, saved me a lot of work.

I randomly flew around all zones on my resto druid and I got 1 epic. From your data that seems like bad luck, so hopefully following this method will improve my results.

Edit: After following your waypoints and picking up all the ones I missed, I finished with 4 Chaos Crystals
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the best for this method would be panda (or maybe goblin/worgen) dks, as they start at lvl 10
Wow I haven't made a DK in a long time...Everyone but Panda is lvl 8 and when hitting 10 you auto accept the Dragon Isle intro, but the quest item disappears and the Lich King tells you to finish the starter area quests)
Thanks, that's like finding a speedrun teleport to the final boss!
/way Stormheim 46.36 83.03 Cave to Fathnyr
/way Stormheim 49.6 72 Stormwing Matriarch
/way Stormheim 51.8 74.7 Hannval the Butcher
/way Stormheim 58.4 75.7 Daniel "Boomer" Vorick (Horde only)
/way Stormheim 59.8 68 Ivory Sentinel INT/HYBRID specs
/way Stormheim 72.37 50 Mordvigbjorn
/way Stormheim 73.30 47.8 Kottr Vondyr
/way Stormheim 73,7 39.3 Helheim Portal (Fenri in East Cave)
/way Stormheim 61.6 43.4 Tarben
/way Stormheim 54.8 29.4 Starbuck
/way Stormheim 37.65 41 Bloodstalker Alpha (area patrol)
/way Highmountain 54.54 40.64 Mynta Talonscreech (Scout Harefoot)
/way Highmountain 52.34 58.55 Seemingly Unguarded Treasure
/way Highmountain 36.3 8.6 Sekhan
/way Highmountain 46.66 7.42 Mrrklr (interact) - then FP to ThunderTotem
/way Highmountain 45.3 12.6 Crab Rider Grmlrml (coast patrol)
/way Highmountain 41.47 32.38 Slumber
/way Highmountain 37.75 45.7 Bristlemaul
/way Val'Sharah 67.10 37 Wraithtalon
/way Val'Sharah 60.6 43.8 Dreadbog
/way Val'Sharah 66.05 52.69 Cave to Grelda the Hag
/way Val'Sharah 67.09 69.58 Undergrell Ringleader Event
/way Val'Sharah 45.29 88.16 Bahagar
/way Azsuna 52.5, 22.6 Cailyn Paledoom
/way Azsuna 65.20, 40.05 Golza the Iron Fin (interact->event)
/way Azsuna 55.74 29.13 Pridelord Meowl
/way Azsuna 50 34.6 Mrrgrl the Tide Reaver
/way Azsuna 53.32 44 Captain Volo'ren (upper level)
/way Azsuna 43.55 24.55 Felwing (interact)
/way Azsuna 43.24 28.31 Doomlord Kazrok (interact) INT/HYBRID specs
/way Azsuna 29.44 53.2 Bilebrain
/way Azsuna 34.77 49.76 Cave to Ragemaw
/way Azsuna 33.33 42.58 Cave to Broodmother Lizax
/way Azsuna 41.0 41.7 Ravyn
/way Azsuna 45.2 57.84 Flog the Captain Eater
/way Azsuna 49.42 57.95 Eternal Wedding Treasure Chest
/way Azsuna 65.43 56.71 Chief Bitterbrine
/way Azsuna 65.06 69.78 Seemingly Unguarded Treasure
Great guide & really useful - TY.

Suggestion: "/way Highmountain 36.3 8.6 Sekhan" puts the marker way north in the sea., not in Thunder Totem. (It is correct for the Thunder Totem map.)

Should be wandering around: 44.0 54.0, so "/way Highmountain 44.0 54.0 Sekhan" would be smoother.

BTW - 2 epics on my first leather run.

Annoyingly they won't disenchant in my Draenor Garrison, (ignoring making more burner alts) so has to be done on my enchanter alt unless I'm missing something.
Should be wandering around: 44.0 54.0, so "/way Highmountain 44.0 54.0 Sekhan" would be smoother.
Annoyingly they won't disenchant in my Draenor Garrison, (ignoring making more burner alts) so has to be done on my enchanter alt unless I'm missing something.
Thanks! Really only did the leather run twice and Sekhan does patrol a bit. There's a point on the slope Sekhan wanders on that causes the drastic coordinate change -almost like an on/off switch that changes your zone text from Highmountain to Thunder Totem within 2m of the spawn point. I must have recorded a lower elevation that triggered "Thunder Totem". After just killing him 5 times it seems he always spawns at the big rock 45.57 55.33.

Mostly the waypoints are for the fastest way possible to farm Chaos crystals for 100% never subbed F2P which is creating & deleting level 10 Panda DK's after completing the list & putting the Chaos Crystals in your Warband bank. Timewalking Legion & doing the Ring quest turn in -> talking to the previous NPC to skip Battle for Broken Shore -> Picking up Enchanting and setting Hearthstone to Dalaran (Legion) so you have 2 Hearths there -> speed running the "PLATE" list. I usually use the Dalaran Hearthstone after Gathenak the Subjugator because I'm out of Vigor, pop Death's Advance while running to the Flight Master then fly to Nesingway Highmountain (so I can afk a minute or swap out gear). You don't need the 2nd Hearth if you have the mobile Warband Bank unlocked. There's probably route and timer addons that could optimize everything, but for now 33-38 minutes is good enough for me.

6 !!


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