

▪ ℋøʟ⑂ ℙяḯℯṧт ▪
Hello to all whom are reading this.

My name is Elkiva, I have been a level 70 twink ever since the introduction of the wrath of the lich king. I've met some great people, I've done some incredible achievements and events. However I think it's about time I took a break from all of this.

I am safe to say that the level 70 experience has vanished within my soul, finally it has dwindled inside of me...

So much change has happened within the overall community...And the content itself, it makes me sad to see everything I have loved about this game simply turn into something which it wasn't supposed to be.

The social aspects within the level 70 community are failing, people are arguing more and more...every day something drastic unfolds. I've seen this first hand...I've experienced it first hand! It's not a pretty sight nor feeling. The attitudes that are held within some of the communities are appalling, it was once much more firmer and supportive. People used to help one another, now it's filled with players who talk without their brains, giving the community a bad name...I don't want to be apart of this.

The content has been manipulated, the game mechanics have been manipulated...Everything which is and was TBC has changed completely. I miss the good old days where classes were not considered overpowered nor flavour of the month, all classes had their own values and weaknesses during those days...A class which isn't killable is no fun to play.

I don't see the fun in one shotting players...I don't see the fun in being unkillable...so what is the point of playing if everything is so overpowered and repetitive...I don't want to stay protection, it gets incredibly boring. I've tried arms in PVP and it's simply not fun at all.

The PVE is also broken, I miss the days where heroic instances could be considered a challenge, likewise when it came to raiding....Things have become way to different for me to continue playing.

So it's time I called it quits...I might come back to the bracket however I'm unsure.
My warrior will remain level 70...that will not change.

Things have gone way too far within the bracket and it's a major shame...

I would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who has supported me through my twinking days, we've had some great laughs and we have all achieved so much! I can't be anymore thankful to what I am now.

Take care all
[Removed Quoted Material From Banned Member]

Not sure how it is over at EU, we've a pretty vulgar community over in the states. Honestly the main reason I made an account here on TI, battle.net just didn't serve much of a purpose besides giving the whole a bad reputation. It discouraged a lot of players from giving the bracket a shot, and those who did try, leveled out; all because of attitudes.

As for the rest, there isn't much we can do. Blizzard is preoccupied with 'fixing' and balancing level cap, and screwing up while at it ( based on the two to three major PvP changes in the past few patches. ), we feel the repercussions. Take things in moderation, everything is subject to change, again.

Pity we're losing someone of good moral.

PS: My statement seems answered with the comments above. :|
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As much as I agree times change, your post was sorta unneeded and a little childish in fact in my opinion it reflects the behavior of the 70 community that Elkiva describes perfectly. Elkiva has achieved great things and attended good events i'm sure, just because he doesn't state what events or achievements doesn't mean he hasn't done them. So he shows passion for the content he misses, that makes him a fag? In my opinion along with the "ur gay as fuck" comment they were both childish and pathetic insults for no good reason.

Anyway to sum up, I agree, times change, scaling isn't great however that doesn't mean shit if you have a good community which by the looks of things Elkiva doesn't.
[Removed Quoted Material From Banned Member]

so sharing your own opinion of smth makes you gay? aha right.
o well Matt, you will be missed :)
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Matt D: Whyyy! The "shit" community have never been a problem in our guild, so why quit now? Yes, we have had some minor issues, but it've been missunderstandings between those who moved here recently. It's all fixed now though!
I havn't seen you much online after you joined us, so why not give it a chance before quitting.
You say you need challenge. We're buisy downing ICC, man! We even do challenge runs in normal TBC raids!

Yes, the community isn't the most friendly, but to me, it sounds more like your opinion is about the attitude on Twinkinfo. Not in the game. Atleast not in the guild.

On another note: Serration, fuck off. Noone wants your childish opinion here. You're the perfect example of why people leave this community.

I, aswell as the guild members, will miss playing with you.. But i guess it's your choice. Just dont be surprised if i show up in your front lawn with a 10inch castrating-knife.

Cheers mate
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Serration has been in the bracket since season 9 you can't say shit to him , He is just pissed off that his main account got perm banned:S , We all know serration is a rager rofl.

Take care matt
Serration has been in the bracket since season 9 you can't say shit to him , He is just pissed off that his main account got perm banned:S , We all know serration is a rager rofl.

Take care matt

I've been in the bracket since season 7-ish. Does that mean Serration can't talk shit to my friends? hmm..
I've been in the bracket since season 7-ish. Does that mean Serration can't talk shit to my friends? hmm..

I've been in the bracket since session 5, nearing session 6.
Now he's banned aswell. Whoa.
Anonumous admin! Maybe you should check some of the posts made by "Faller" :D He seems to enjoy insulting me :/

OT, i know. sorry. Matt.. don't quit, nuff said.
Noooooooo Matthew. Its been nice talking and raiding with you my friend.
Keep me on Real ID so we can still chat from time to time when you are on.
Going to miss you mon frere

Of course I will mate! That goes without saying! I'll miss you too mate, that goes without saying! That goes for everyone who's a good friend of mine within the 70 bracket!

I'll pop on teamspeak from time to time and so on, who knows! Maybe i'll come back...
We'll see!

Take is easy my friend!

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