faction changes r up

Spooksters said:
So you could like...get Deathray on your 29 gnome rogue + all the sweet alliance quest gear (spirit axe or w/e it is?) and then go horde...droool - guess this is the only way you will ever see 29 horde with a death ray xD

No one could ever have the Deathray at 29, not to mention that as soon as you change races you're obviously going to lose your racial bonuses (like engineering) and any items which required you're higher skill level will turn red.
Yes, actually - you can have the Deathray at 29 - because you get engi-specs at level 20 now (from what ive read in the 20-29 bracket) and gnomes get +15 engi skill...and the Deathray doesn't require engineering, it's BoP - only need engi to craft it :3
Spooksters said:
Yes, actually - you can have the Deathray at 29 - because you get engi-specs at level 20 now (from what ive read in the 20-29 bracket) and gnomes get +15 engi skill...and the Deathray doesn't require engineering, it's BoP - only need engi to craft it :3

It's Bind on Pickup, doesn't require eng to use, but does require Gnomish Engineering to build... which you cannot get til 30. My guess is that players are lvling to 30, do the quest line and then ask for a level rollback.
blueisbetterthanyou said:

Some items will automatically convert into the corresponding items of the opposite faction. These items include Insignias of the Alliance/Horde, and PvP weapons and armor such as the Grand Marshal's Claymore (which will turn into the High Warlord's Greatsword, and vice versa).

If an item has an opposite-faction counterpart, that information will be displayed on those items' information page as displayed by the Armory.

No items will be lost during the faction change process.

And now to build the perfect level ten twink...
Boglund said:
I'm sure you can't change faction and keep your wingblade, cookiemonster.

Wingblade what?

I was talking about a hunter ;)

it seys nothing about deletion of items from the other faction :3

Wingblade =/= Alliance Counterpart

Ring of Scorn =/= Alliance Counterpart

I checked :D

Some items will automatically convert into the corresponding items of the opposite faction. These items include Insignias of the Alliance/Horde, and PvP weapons and armor such as the Grand Marshal's Claymore (which will turn into the High Warlord's Greatsword, and vice versa).

If an item has an opposite-faction counterpart, that information will be displayed on those items' information page as displayed by the Armory.
I don't see where to do this, I'll keep looking.

edit: need to read more besides the first post on the home page.
Ok so I want to do this what items should I get on my pally [char=Elune]Gracob[/char] when I move to horde side? I'll do my own research but if anyone wants to help me out I would appreciate it. I guess this is really going to cost like $60 bucks if I want to transfer back to ally huh?
[item]Night Reaver[/item]

[item]Inferno Robe[/item]

[item]Seal of Sylvanas[/item]

All I can think of...
I'd grab a Wingblade aswell. Although it would possibly be better to remake a twink on horde side first, grab all the gear and head to ally side. That way you don't spend 60 bucks and you don't have to wait 2 months to play on the ally side again
ßubblehærth said:
I'd grab a Wingblade aswell. Although it would possibly be better to remake a twink on horde side first, grab all the gear and head to ally side. That way you don't spend 60 bucks and you don't have to wait 2 months to play on the ally side again

Indeed, one could make 2 Perfect Twinks for $60. The one that starts out on the side that has the main grabs enchant scrolls for the new gear before faction switching.
Conrose said:
Indeed, one could make 2 Perfect Twinks for $60. The one that starts out on the side that has the main grabs enchant scrolls for the new gear before faction switching.

Thus why I'm doing this on my hunter :D

Alliance 10 hunter atm - 719 hp

Horde 10 hunter to alliance - 749 with [item]Minor Channeling Ring[/item] and roughly 38% crit, also I'm grabbing me a pair of +3/+1 agi/stam boots and the cresent staff for lawls before I do this.
I'm planning on making an ally pally grabbing ALL the quest rewards that could possibly be useful or even look cool, when hes back on horde he's gonna be pretty beast. (Only doing this if brackets change and/or I get my account back :p)
The brackets aren't changing I am 100% sure of that, its just the quest thats changed... Anyway~

I'm doing this right now, epic level ten twink would be sexy :3
ßubblehærth said:
I'd grab a Wingblade aswell. Although it would possibly be better to remake a twink on horde side first, grab all the gear and head to ally side. That way you don't spend 60 bucks and you don't have to wait 2 months to play on the ally side again

Yeah I guess that would be cheaper. I was thinking the time it takes to get two agms, fishing hat not to mention all the gear and profs leveled is worth 30bucks. "time is money friend"

Transfer is underway, INC BE pally with all the alliance gear, guess I will be on Elune horde side if anyone wants to talk to me about the transfer process you can message me in game (gracob) or send me a PM here.

does name stay the same?

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