EU F2PAddon - Magtheridon vs Aggramar for a lurker


An update to the F2PAddon in the last 24 hours prompted me to post this.

I am trying to decide which couple of alts to play and where. (Indecision means I have too many in too many places & need to thin them out so I have a high level main plus 2 x 20s.) Since I like to have my own Guilds for easy extra storage space (when subbed) there is no chat via that route, so the F2PAddon eases the loneliness.

On Magtheridon, where there are several Alliance Vet/F2P people around, there is some chat if I want & I like seeing people who I recognise & who play regularly (even if I don't). For my Alliance alts, I'll stay there.

Magtheridon Horde is different - there is only Chaìnz playing occasionally.

So I've tried out Aggramar with a new alt - Mängö. (My first ever character was a horde rogue - now called Shichiroji & I like that play-style.)

There are plenty of people showing on the F2PAddon, but hardly a whisper. I guess, since there seem to be plenty of guilds with 20-29s, that's where the chat is. It's quite hard to get any response via the Addon - in fact I've had two replies in several weeks & only one of those a conversation. (With a really helpful 20 with a high level mage alt who, immediately I asked, flew in to give me a portal to Summer's Rest, Pandaria - no more dancing in front of strange mages for me.)

So can anyone who currently plays 20-29, Veteran or F2P Aggramar Horde tell me how to lurk in a friendly community there please? Maybe I just need to join a guild.

here are a few things that could possibly cause people to not see your chat. they could have a outdated version of the addon. the addon will block all communication to other people in the channel until you reach lvl 3 or higher. not everybody in the f2paddon channel is f2p there could be vet/p2p using it also in this case sometimes the addon will not allow a p2p to talk in channel. they can fix this by going to the settings panel of the addon and checking the p2p fix and this should re-enable their ability to talk. they can also check the chatbox settings and see if the f2ptwink channel has become unchecked if it has you wont see anything from anybody.

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