Hello. I just happened to watch Into the Wild while playing my F2P Hunter, as it struck me: Into the Wild and F2P have more incommon than what the eye first meets. Why and how?, one might think. Well, to ditch all your gold, all the "lazy-features", to just, entirely by yourself, tailor your gear, skin those armor kits, disenchant those hard-earnt greens, cook your food to get that well-fed-buff, and by your 60% ground mount travel through Azaroth, Outland and Northrend.
To have played P2P for around 6-7 years now; I can't describe the feeling of just relaxing In the Wild a.k.a. on my F2P.
This all might sounds pretty weird and so, but I really felt I could connect F2P and Into the Wild^^
As a P2P- and F2P-player, have you ever experienced the same thing?
To have played P2P for around 6-7 years now; I can't describe the feeling of just relaxing In the Wild a.k.a. on my F2P.
This all might sounds pretty weird and so, but I really felt I could connect F2P and Into the Wild^^
As a P2P- and F2P-player, have you ever experienced the same thing?