F2P Warrior PvP video

Yeah, i know. I now have my shout and charge in a macro so i shout while i charge :) You meant the keyboard turning while trying to reach shout right?
Yeah, i know. I now have my shout and charge in a macro so i shout while i charge :) You meant the keyboard turning while trying to reach shout right?
I think he meant the backpedalling actually

1. Keybindings. Bind EVERY SINGLE THING to the keyboard, clicking is slow and will hurt your gameplay.

2. Macros. You can macro shadowmeld into a separate charge bind, and there might be some other useful ones but I don't play a warrior so I don't know any others.

3. Movement. I'm guessing that you move forward and strafe with QWE, because I saw some keyturning while you were trying to click abilities (that you should have bound). Unbind A, S, and D because using them will only hurt you.
How to Backstrafe - YouTube

4. You can zoom out farther, to increase your situational awareness
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That was quite interesting. As I'd never really done any PVP research I'd ran directly away from things until recently.

May be doing some practicing as I get ready to play again when the patch goes live...
uhh some usefull macros are
/castsequence Shadowmeld, Charge
equipset macros for 2h, dw, shield etc. you need to use the equipment builder thing for these to work. make a set and the macro to equip it is /equipset <set name>
maybe a mouseover heroic throw macro
/target mouseover
/cast Heroic Throw

theres really not much more
Alot of useful info mateys, thank you! :) I'll try unbinding ASD, binding everything to my keyboard, and i'll also have to make some more macros. I already have the SM+charge one, but this was recorded 1-2 months back and i didnt have it back then.
Nothing special is happening. You're just showing group vs 1 - 2 enemies. That really worth showing?
Im showing crits and stuff i think looks good. No whining, but its pretty hard to own large groups as a warrior without a healer. Yeah, i think it was worth showing :)
Im showing crits and stuff i think looks good. No whining, but its pretty hard to own large groups as a warrior without a healer. Yeah, i think it was worth showing :)
Owning large groups as a healer + Warrior would have been something worth showing actually. Nothing is more boring than looking at someone oneshotting with Bloodthirst.
Don't worry about Mialo, he's just an elitist who likes to keep his criticism more on the douchebagish side.
I thought he wanted criticism?

Criticism very welcome

There is just no point making a movie if nobody wants to watch it because its so boring and the solution is so much more simple. Saying he doesn't have key binds, key turns and clicks is to my opinion worse than what I said...
Well, i agree that i could have taken on some better geared players. I recorded BG's for 3 days - and i had 480GB of footage, so next time i record, i will set higher standards for my clips so more clips like the 2v1 (My favorite clip aswell) will get in the next one, and oneshots like the rogue in the start wont make it into the next one. I like the clips where i crit 3-4 times in a row, i will definately keep them. :) Mialo, you could learn something from Licholas - His post was alot more useful to me, and for other people reading it. Thank you for all the feedback guys, im beginning to really like the TI community.
I think a video of static game-play would be a better showcase for this class. The community would be able to see the strengths of Warrior in this bracket and how viable they can be. No offense but it looks like you just pasted together a bunch of moments where you happened to shine and that's not interesting or helpful to many people.
My 10 cents on the subject,btw Velius here has the right idea on this bad/average/nothing special vid.

When i say ''those vids are pure crap or you haven't even scratched the surface of your class'' or something in that fashion,ppl start being critical and say stuff like :

- hey Alpha man.......,that's just mean!,regardless of you telling the truth about semi players feeling the need for their 5 min of lame fame....
- or ''yeah well bro you think you could do better,why don't you post your vids then?''
- ofc the female part of the population on TI says something in fashion ''hey why don't you help the poor bastards with some constructive criticism instead of being all naughty and stuff.......''
- or ''hey dude that's what the video section is all about ,so numerous noobs can post their shity vids and other ppl can help them improve their classplay''

Are these vids really here in order to learn/grow/improve?

Well i personaly feel that this is just '' heeeeeeeeeey everybody looooook at me'',i'm so cool/great/strong so here are a couple of my ''waste your time videos''....and the ''every criticism is welcomed'' is just a backup line so ppl don't start acusing with ''hey are you just another attention whore''.................
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^ Dislike.

Sexist. I'm a guy and this is the type of thing I say, and plenty of the girls (lol) are surely contributing to the non-constructive criticism.

The rest is just wrong. People making their first video are often woefully unaware of what other people want to see, and making a video based on what other people like to see is just a waste of time.

If making a video based on what other people is a waste of time then making a video based on what you want to see is a waste of other peoples time.

Just sayin'.

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