F2P twink vs 19 twink

Idk I whooped on some 19 rogues as my Mage. Just survive the opener and GG no crip. I think crip is a game changer for rogues for sure

Exactly, the changes come with the changes to moves. I'll lose to any half-decent rogue as my 19 sham spec'd resto but on my f2p sham I'll win 99.9% of the time to even really good rogues.
But the 19 can't equip anything from BFD otherwise they would already have BFD items equipped? Again, 20's can beat 24's, so they can also beat 19's. Skillcap on 19's is lower because they faceroll high-end enchants and their bracket is so bursty they don't get time to learn how to play because they're so used to their targets dying in 2-4 seconds that they don't NEED to know how to play. That's the problem with P2P and where this game is heading in general, The general population of the game doesn't need to know how to play to do well.

The better question, is; On toons with the same gear, same level, same class, Who would win, the person who's played 19's or the person who's played F2P? F2P should win every time, because again, F2P actually requires knowing how to play your class. That's why all these new players bitch so much about the bracket because F2P 20's is the only bracket in this game that doesn't give you instant gratification aside from the hunter class.

I hope you realize that Enchants and BoA gear that aren't available to trial accounts trivialize the extra 2 strenght/agi/int you'd get from some level 20+ item, and the quest rewards from BFD and Stockades can still be used at 19 anyway
Well...when I had a P2P account my 19 twinked prot pally dominated a Hunter AND shammy trying to get the AGM
But the 19 can't equip anything from BFD otherwise they would already have BFD items equipped? Again, 20's can beat 24's, so they can also beat 19's. Skillcap on 19's is lower because they faceroll high-end enchants and their bracket is so bursty they don't get time to learn how to play because they're so used to their targets dying in 2-4 seconds that they don't NEED to know how to play. That's the problem with P2P and where this game is heading in general, The general population of the game doesn't need to know how to play to do well.

The better question, is; On toons with the same gear, same level, same class, Who would win, the person who's played 19's or the person who's played F2P? F2P should win every time, because again, F2P actually requires knowing how to play your class. That's why all these new players bitch so much about the bracket because F2P 20's is the only bracket in this game that doesn't give you instant gratification aside from the hunter class.

this is the biggest pile of crap on ti, srsly did you even read this back to your self?

edit: please explain how a f2p needs to know how to play there class better than a 19, and "but we play vs 24s" wont cut it for you.
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this is the biggest pile of crap on ti, srsly did you even read this back to your self?

Many free to play players live in a state of denial, where the level 20-24 bracket requires skill. I think it's called a "coping mechanism" (?) in the medical field

One can observe this same strange quality in other free to play games as well, such as League of Legends (or League of Casuals, as I call it), Farmville, etc
Many free to play players live in a state of denial, where the level 20-24 bracket requires skill. I think it's called a "coping mechanism" (?) in the medical field

One can observe this same strange quality in other free to play games as well, such as League of Legends (or League of Casuals, as I call it), Farmville, etc

funnest thing is, after all that crap he wrote this forum is full of the decent f2p's saying how bad bg's are and that they only do arena :p
Its class specific really. 19 rsham is useless compared to 20 rsham.

And I think everyone's forgetting a huge advantage 19s have, 225 herbalism. 55 haste is a huge increase over our 15.
The 19 would always beat the 20 at equal skill level.
19 will win ^.^
had trouble with a couple 19's at gurubashi arena, if they are well geared they are the the stronger.
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Ok comparing one class against another is pointless. lets just look at one class vs itself. (equal skill)

Druid . insects rebirth omen. not enough to make a diff . 19 wins

Hunter. Disarm. 20 wins.

Mage . arcane blast. not enough. 19 wins.

paladin. nothin .19 wins.

priest. nothin . 19 wins.

rogue . crippling poison. gets other rogue out of stealth due to higher lvl . 20 wins

Shaman. surge and mana shield. a better faster heal. 20 wins.

Lock. soul link sucubus bane o doom soulfire. IMO . 20 wins

Warrior . throw . 19 wins.

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