F2P Tanks in Batlegrounds

Which is the Best Tank (not as a DPS)

  • Guardian Druid

    Votes: 12 27.9%
  • Protection Paladin

    Votes: 9 20.9%
  • Protection Warrior

    Votes: 22 51.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


By the Claws be Punished!
Tanking in Battleground is not dealing damage. Tanking means that you want to take flag and to hold it until you can cap. I have seen in Battlegrounds different types of tanks , Protection Paladins , Protection Warriors , Guardian Druids and even Brewmaster Monks . The tank which is having flag needs of course a healer . So i wanna ask you which is the most effective F2P tank, ( when i say effective tank i dont mean a tank which deals high damage because the character who deal high damage have the role DPS ) :
1- Guardian Druid
  • Capable of moving faster than other classes while in Battlegrounds.
  • Can heal using rejuvenation HoT which allows him to be healed while moving.
  • Reduces 25% Magical Damage.
  • Inside Battlegrounds the armor can reach 3600 with the right gear.
  • Reduces 12% Physical Damage.
  • Reduced chance to be hit by critically meele attacks by 6% while in Bear Form.
  • Savage Defence allows them to have an increased Dodge Chance.
  • The Agility increases the guardian druids' dodge chance.
  • Capable of Stunning the enemy for 3 seconds using Bear Hug.
Guardian Druid is a nightmare to all Meele Attackers because while in bear form a Guardian Druid can reach 3600 armor and also has a passive ability which decreases physical damage by 12% and the next patch bear form will increase stamina by 40% making Bear Form more Powerful. Guardian Druids can escape fast from threats using Travel Form and Cat Form for some seconds while they take reduced damage.
2-Protection Paladin
  • Capable of Doing Good Heals using Flash of Light or Word of Glory.
  • Paladins have The Higher Block Chance than All other F2P Tanks.
  • The Armor of Paladins may reach 2400 while in Battlegrounds.
  • They can move also fast in Battlegrounds.
  • Reduced chance to be hit by critically meele attacks by 6%.
  • Capable of Healing all their HP using Lay on Hands every 10 minutes.
  • Hammer of Righteousness can find hidden enemies and reduces their physical damage by 10%
  • Capable of Stunning the enemy for 6 seconds using Hammer of Justice.
Protection Paladins have good healing and they have the higher block chance of all F2P tanks without buffed. They also can move fast in Battlegrounds and can use Lay on Hands if they are in danger.
3- Protection Warrior
  • They can reduce 25% damage by activating Defencive Stance
  • Their armor in Battlegrounds can reach 2900 if they have right gear.
  • Reduced chance to be hit by critically meele attacks by 6%.
  • Can use charge to stun its enemies.
  • Victory Rush its the only healing ability they have.
  • Shield Block increases their block chance by 60% allowing them to take reduced physical damage.
  • Thunder Clap can find hidden enemies and reduces their physical damage by 10%.
Protection Paladins are also a nightmare to all meele attackers and they use Shield Block to reduce more physical damage. The Defensive Stance makes them a tank which can take low damage from attacks, both magical and physical.

---Dont forget that these tank also need a healer or healers ---
So which its the best at surviving (but when they have a pocket healer).
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For FC my choice for pugging is a stam stacked holy paladin. Not sure about premade vs premade right now would have to think about it.
I FC only with prot pally, because IMO burst > stabile in pvp. I can get faster than mounts for short time (speed of light), LoH and stun... Also because I really hate Druids, and their "I move faster, I will FC" - it irritates me a lot, especially because my class is one of the most used, I want to prove that a prot paladin is a damn good FC, and in my opinion best, If has healer.
Stam stacked holydin is a lot better than prot. Way more mobility, can cleanse poisons + magic, way more healing.
Tanking in Battleground is not dealing damage. Tanking means that you want to take flag and to hold it until you can cap.

Holy sheit... someone else gets it...

The only tank spec I may consider doing damage on is guardian, but that's only because I don't see much of a difference between it and feral, except guardian having a stun.
Holy sheit... someone else gets it...

but in blizzards infinite wisdom, they made healers more capable of tanking than tanks. and tanks more capable of dps'ing than some dps...

OT: none of the above.
I decided to go holy after being prot since hitting level 10 on Soli, not necessarily to FC but to check out the healing. I don't think I could go back to being a prot FC, Cleanse is absolutely invaluable with the number of rogues you run into these days, not to mention a 30% movement speed increase (talent-dependent) with pretty much infinite up-time (since the healing from WoG is sub-par compared to the other two abilities). Plus, I still manage to out-stam 95% of the bracket (including 24s) in my FC set.
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[*]The Armor of Paladins may reach 3400 while in Battlegrounds.
Are You kidding me , A prot pally gets only 2.5k armor...
I FC only with prot pally, because IMO burst > stabile in pvp. I can get faster than mounts for short time (speed of light), LoH and stun... Also because I really hate Druids, and their "I move faster, I will FC" - it irritates me a lot, especially because my class is one of the most used, I want to prove that a prot paladin is a damn good FC, and in my opinion best, If has healer.

I i tried prot warrior , guardian druid , prot pally , I can say that guardian druid got the best armor and its hard to kill him , if you are 10 stacked in bear form no1 can crit at you for 2k , 1.2k can happen but not 2k like paladin , when a pally is 10 stacked a skilled/geareed roge can take him down in seconds !

Holy sheit... someone else gets it...

The only tank spec I may consider doing damage on is guardian, but that's only because I don't see much of a difference between it and feral, except guardian having a stun.
The only big difference is that the feral has alot of more abilitys about damage , savage rorar /tigers fury witch give u a really nice burst ! And like he said "Tanking in Battleground is not dealing damage. Tanking means that you want to take flag and to hold it until you can cap" Even if guardian does damage , he said that the guardian drood need to go get flag and cap not fight mid tho ...
If they are all equally skilled, and if they have healers, I'd go with the Guardian Druid. But only to an extent.
Druids are great, but they might as well drop the flag once they hit 4 stacks.
If they are all equally skilled, and if they have healers, I'd go with the Guardian Druid. But only to an extent.
Druids are great, but they might as well drop the flag once they hit 4 stacks.

If a guardian Drood got heals he will nevar die till stack 9 !
prot warrior takes less damage than guardian.
prot warr > guardian > rofldin

How so ? , Guardian got more armor than warrior , got dodge thingy and next patch 20% more stamina ^_^ !
How so ? , Guardian got more armor than warrior , got dodge thingy and next patch 20% more stamina ^_^ !

prot warrior got 25% pure damage reduction while guardian has the same vs spells they have 13% less from physical, and the armor they have doesnt make up for those 13%.
How so ? , Guardian got more armor than warrior , got dodge thingy and next patch 20% more stamina ^_^ !

Yeah guardians in 5.4 with Bear Form increasing Stamina contribution from cloth and leather items by 40% compared to warriors Unwavering Sentinel giving 15% is going to be interesting.
Prot Paladin is pure shit for FCing.
"Insert opinion stated as fact here"

Personally, i would say that resto druids/hpals/prot pals make the best FC's. Since all three can heal, have OP cd's, cleanse etc. A guardian druid is great until your healer dies, same goes for warriors. These two classes are basically just mana sponges. They're more reliant on a team than the other 3 classes/specs. On a warrior or guardian you have to pray you have a healer in a pug, and pray further that they will heal you.

That doesn't mean you shouldn't play them though. If you enjoy a class then by all means play it.
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Dont you understand that guardian is OPest Op , I played as guardian with my bro , and tried to farm just to try if guardian is good , only healer was my bro , holy pally , they had 1 spriest we farmed them . And if you know ploy from the last game s, increddible fc , Guardian , there is Albinocow too , they hardly die , i remember 1 time when i went to pay with feral , hardly killed him caus he has no healer , still couldnt return ! GUARDIAN IS OP!Prot warriors , i can rlly kill them easily , i just need a reuv on me adn thats all , guardian cannot be fast killed .

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