f2p rogue assistance

greetings my fellow financially inadequate pals what can i do to improve my f2p rogue's gear?

Rèdrum @ Wildhammer - Community - World of Warcraft

ps no looms or agms i know this already

Medo @ Aegwynn - Community - World of Warcraft

think that gear would be easy to get, for the first time
if you want to put more time in your char, farm Feet of the lynx, Foremans Gloves if you dont want to get dodged by a healer
if you are to lazy to farm elixiers and pots, skill skinning/herbalism
For the Theorycrafter:

Rogue AP = (Strength -10) + (Agility x 2) + (Charlevel x 2) -20
1 Agility ~ 0,125 % Critchance for Level 20, -> 8 Agility ~ 1% Critchance
1 Hitrating ~ 0,54% Hitchance for Level 20
1 Critrating ~ 0,31% Critchance for Level 20
1 Agility ~ 0,103 % Critchance for Level 24, -> 9,7 Agility ~ 1% Critchance
1 Hitrating ~ 0,40% Hitchance for Level 24
1 Critrating ~ 0,23% Critchance for Level 24

Legionnaire's Band:
for Level 20: Assa: 12 AP Combat: 16,8 AP Sub: 14,4 AP
for Level 24: Assa: 15 AP Combat: 21;0 AP Sub: 18 AP

Ring of Precision:
for Level 20: Assa: 12 AP Combat: 16,8 AP Sub: 15,6 AP
for Level 24: Assa: 14 AP Combat: 19,6 AP Sub: 18,2 AP

so the difference between LB and RoP is
on Level 20 for LB: - ~0,25% Critchance - ~1,62% Hitchance + 20 Healthpoints
on Level 24 for LB: - ~0,20% Critchance - ~1,20% Hitchance + 20 Healthpoints

so anyway theres not lot difference between the 2 rings, i prefer offense stats, so in my opinon is RoP BiS for Subtlety

Glowing Lizardscale Cloak:
for Level 24: Assa: 14 AP Combat: 19;6 AP Sub: 18,2 AP

Dark Ritual Cape:
for Level 24: Assa: 18 AP Combat: 25,2 AP Sub: 21,6 AP

so the difference between GLC and DRC is
for Level 24 for DRC: -~0,1% Critchance - 20 Healthpoints

Thats the only one item with strength, which i would use as Subtlety Rogue
Can you counter what im saying with numbers and theory crafting? Or you're just here to say RIGHT when i say LEFT?

LE: NVM, saw from my PC you have a rogue with sub spec and playing with 2 swords. I'm really eager to prove me wrong.

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yeah, i've been known to rogue from time to time.
Holy shit what the fuck is this...

I thought it was obvious this was a troll topic but I guess not, you can let it die now.

Care to point out where you made it obvious it was a troll? I'm curios.
I'm looking at your opening post, and it doesn't seem fake.
Care to point out where you made it obvious it was a troll?
I'm looking at your opening post, and it doesn't seem fake.

I thought it might be, spriest bit gave it away

Red plays 19s but ofc no one here knows it so its understandable
Care to point out where you made it obvious it was a troll? I'm curios.
I'm looking at your opening post, and it doesn't seem fake.

red is one of the best low level rogues around, he has played rogue since the dawn of time, and i'm sure could gear one with his eyes closed.

that is why i told [MENTION=2465]Achmed[/MENTION] to stop. for once in my life i wasn't trolling, just offering so friendly advice.
I've noticed how most of you measure "best". So, for me it's irrelevant. The fact that he made a topic to troll people makes me puke.

and the fact you fell for it makes me smile, your point is?
I've noticed how most of you measure "best". So, for me it's irrelevant. The fact that he made a topic to troll people makes me puke.

I'm sorry to break this down to you, but you will probably never be even half of what Red is as a rogue. Especially when playing solely in the jaja bracket and denying your mistakes :rolleyes: Hard to become a decent rogue when you don't have the will to improve, don't you think?
Are you guys quite done @posting each other yet?
Holy shit what the fuck is this...

I thought it was obvious this was a troll topic but I guess not, you can let it die now.

ye i personally knew it since ur first post when u said: & and i knew that u were 19twink... so 19twink posting in f2p section.... trololololol.

greetings my fellow financially inadequate pals

But since most ppl here didnt really care about ur post but stating their opnions they kinda ignored the trolling.
ye i personally knew it since ur first post when u said: & and i knew that u were 19twink... so 19twink posting in f2p section.... trololololol.

But since most ppl here didnt really care about ur post but stating their opnions they kinda ignored the trolling.

hi cripz,

its just funny the reactions/debates people give in troll threads *cough* super hardcore achmed *cough*. its been a pleasent experience read this thread and i thank #redrum

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