F2P Premade Strats / Tips / Discussions!


Vaco Del Blanco
With the massive influx of F2P premades immersing ( BIG thanks to HunnyBuns) , I think this thread will be a great place to allow newer players to the premade setting to be educated and give them a place to raise any questions they may have. However, on top of that this will be a thread to discuss F2P premade comps, strats, roles, and ideas. While premades at all levels have general base ideologies and strats that many people already know and understand, the F2P environment has a completely different type of atmosphere (at least to the current times). So even the most experienced players in other brackets may find themselves dumb-founded at why their previous strat is failing. Everyone can input their 2 cents into here and really get some good discussions on cool ideas and possibilities that we can implement in the near future!

I'll list some starter ideas later tonight when i have some time, until then feel free to start anywhere!
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Nice thread :D think its a good idea because personally I never played in a mid-fight setting in which I switched targets constantly in order to put out the most efficient dps :p

Had a lot of fun last night
Positioning is probably the most important thing I can think of, if you are pushed up too far, or mongoloiding into their team you will die a lot more. Though sometimes its good to mongoloid into their team for the pushes/kills, and other times because why not? (its fun and i have been caught doing it before) shhhh :p

Also communicating with your team! The team that communicates the best and can coordinate their pushes and kills win. GGS!
To start off, ill do some tips. This is something every player should do but even many players with tons of experience still do not do.

Call Out Your CC's - Whether it is a scatter shot or a fear or a counterspell, everytime you should be calling which target you are using said spell on. This not only prevents teamates from overlapping CCs, but lets them know how and when to push or, if it is on a dps, allow for your healers to appropriate heals better. What i mean by that last statement is that if you have a major dps CC'd then the overall pressure the opposing team is going to impose is alot lower. Your healers will be very busy healing and trying to predict the next target they are going to swap too, sometimes it is very hard to see if any enemy is CCd and which one it is, calling it out will give your healers knowledge that, if used correctly will save them mana and prevent overhealing. This idea leads to my second tip, also regarding communication

If your a healer comminicate with your other healers to prevent overhealing / dispelling - Another thing that even many experienced premade healers do not do is talk enough. Now you shouldnt be commanding the mic over the TC (Target Caller) , but you and your other healers should call dispells and if they are able to keep their target alive or not. Now you do not go around calling every name you heal, saying "i got --insertname--" is easy enough to do and doing that should only be done after the initial burst of the opposing team is done. Ill explain this briefly, when teams swap targets their is initial burst, which is generally ok or necessary to have all 3 healers on the same target, now the opposing team can choose to keep pursuing the kill or swap to a diff target at any moment. Healers should have the enemy TC on focus or something along the lines of that. Many times when a team swaps targets there are 1-3 healers still healing the first target. What should be done is one healer commincates he has the first target, which means he can finish topping him off. Meanwhile the other 2 healers can resume their roll of pre-healing. Many times what happens is nobody says anything and then 2 or even all healers stay on that first target, or all healers move to second target. Both these situations are very easy to take advantage of from the enemy point of view.

While im on the topic of healers, as a healer it is your role to notify dps when they are overextended. It is very important that you do not delay telling them this, because they will die if you are a second later than should be.

Ill add many more tips and discussions over the week, Even if you feel your question is "nooby" feel free to ask it here. See this as a Q&A for F2P premade settings. At the same time, I would love for some serious discussions on strats and general f2p premades. Any suggestions or out of the box ideas are warmly welcomed, i love crazy premade strats, if you can catch your enemy off guard thats 1/2 the battle :)
Nice thread. I love talking about this stuff. Hopefully I can join you guys in the premades at some point this summer. I have very little experience in premading, so this thread is much appreciated. Keep in mind, I am not an authority on strats, I just like to kick around ideas and learn.

Anyway, in watching the games you guys have done, I have been mulling over the target calling. One thought that came to mind was if you are a dps, would it work well to use an assist macro to target your caller's target? If the caller's name was say Fred, the macro would be something like "/assist Fred". Then when the caller wanted to switch targets, they could simply say "swap", and the only thing the other dps would have to do would be to press a key bind for the macro and they would instantly be sharing the caller's target. The thought I had behind this was that it could streamline the targeting process and make it a lot faster to kill a target before the enemy healers could react. If say, a boomy were calling, they could set up their long cast starsurge/starfire to hit just after they call the swap, so everyone bursts that target at nearly the same time.

This was just a thought I was kicking around in watching the vids. Sometimes communicating which target, and getting everyone to click it, or tab to it, can take a few seconds, which gives the enemy healers time to catch it. This would minimize that time, but you would need to have full reliance on your caller. You could also accomplish the same thing by making the caller your focus target and then using an assist focus macro, but several classes would probably want to keep their focus targets free for CC abilities, interrupts, and the like. I dunno, what do you guys think?

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To start off, ill do some tips. This is something every player should do but even many players with tons of experience still do not do.

Call Out Your CC's - Whether it is a scatter shot or a fear or a counterspell, everytime you should be calling which target you are using said spell on. This not only prevents teamates from overlapping CCs, but lets them know how and when to push or, if it is on a dps, allow for your healers to appropriate heals better. What i mean by that last statement is that if you have a major dps CC'd then the overall pressure the opposing team is going to impose is alot lower. Your healers will be very busy healing and trying to predict the next target they are going to swap too, sometimes it is very hard to see if any enemy is CCd and which one it is, calling it out will give your healers knowledge that, if used correctly will save them mana and prevent overhealing. This idea leads to my second tip, also regarding communication

If your a healer comminicate with your other healers to prevent overhealing / dispelling - Another thing that even many experienced premade healers do not do is talk enough. Now you shouldnt be commanding the mic over the TC (Target Caller) , but you and your other healers should call dispells and if they are able to keep their target alive or not. Now you do not go around calling every name you heal, saying "i got --insertname--" is easy enough to do and doing that should only be done after the initial burst of the opposing team is done. Ill explain this briefly, when teams swap targets their is initial burst, which is generally ok or necessary to have all 3 healers on the same target, now the opposing team can choose to keep pursuing the kill or swap to a diff target at any moment. Healers should have the enemy TC on focus or something along the lines of that. Many times when a team swaps targets there are 1-3 healers still healing the first target. What should be done is one healer commincates he has the first target, which means he can finish topping him off. Meanwhile the other 2 healers can resume their roll of pre-healing. Many times what happens is nobody says anything and then 2 or even all healers stay on that first target, or all healers move to second target. Both these situations are very easy to take advantage of from the enemy point of view.

While im on the topic of healers, as a healer it is your role to notify dps when they are overextended. It is very important that you do not delay telling them this, because they will die if you are a second later than should be.

Ill add many more tips and discussions over the week, Even if you feel your question is "nooby" feel free to ask it here. See this as a Q&A for F2P premade settings. At the same time, I would love for some serious discussions on strats and general f2p premades. Any suggestions or out of the box ideas are warmly welcomed, i love crazy premade strats, if you can catch your enemy off guard thats 1/2 the battle :)

Great stuff. I really hope this thread takes off and keeps rolling.

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Tip #1 , wait till leader says "Take."
The biggest problem I am noticing, from both the games I have seen (I think all of them) and the game I was in, is people not timing their kills with res times, which is a HUGE problem considering these are normal games with only 30 second res times.

Obviously no one is just going to have a perfect kill button, or even the opportunity to kill a target the second after res comes up, but not nearly enough consideration has gone into it as of yet.

There are multiple applications from what i've seen.

Of course, at the start of the game, it doesn't really matter when you kill someone, because the player will be able to hard res instantly upon arrival back to their corpse, so people should just try to push for kills like usual early game. But later in the game (5-10 min mark), people need to make sure they aren't getting a kill on someone when the res is about to be up, and the person can just get right back in the fight.

Another application: when a kill or two is made on one side, and the other team is kiting back. I saw one game (Ill link it and the time below) in which Spewfeel drops, someone gets the repick, and the alliance team is clearly in trouble as they start to kite back. The horde team keeps pushing to get the repickers, and get kills on whoever, but there was no one far enough ahead to return the flag, and the whole team just ressurects, and the flag gets returned to the proper FC at their GY. I think rather than just keep pushing in to get a kill on repickers, they should have instantly started ccing some of the Alliance that were falling behind (Drop a nove, poly, fear, etc etc) I think it would have been fairly easy for them to have split the Priest, the Hunter, the Mage, the Warlock, and/or a Druid if they would have executed it instantly and correctly.

The game, Happens at 12:30
Discussion...? Can we make some kinda rule that says the bg won't be a 20 minute mid derp..? I'm sry but I've seen mid derps PLENTY of times. These people aren't going to be the best ever since it's an open recruitment (which is great) however TI is safely better than the avg pug. There is no and I repeat no skill shown in these premades. It is simply who can burst targets the quickest and who has the slower reacting healers.

Bg starts
18 ppl run to mid, no D no O
2 FCers go up enemy ramp alone
2 FCers pick up
2 FCers go through mid (untouched miraculously) to their help
18 people sit in mid all bg while FC sits back and does relatively nothing.

That has basically been every bg.

This is NOT to insult anyone who has played, as I know everyone is very good from experience however the premades don't show it and are kinda dull for me :/ Ik that's how 10v10s are "supposed" to go however maybe a rule that doesn't allow FCers to sit mid all bg or makes it so you need to have some kind of O and D or SOME kind of strategy might be beneficial
O v D can be done, however that too would not showcase any sort of "skill" in your mind of what "skill" is. The winner is the one who can reach the efc faster and burst thru the healers. Now if your gonna say they cc too, we had quite a lot of cc, and for f2p premades it is essential to landing kills because there are no chants or supreme burst. If your gonna have that attitude than nothing in wow showcases any sort of skill, everything is bland and boring.

Cynicism is not good :(
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hooly shit anding kills is the most important strat

holding mid =essentially winning 70% of the game. Stayin in mid slaying your opponents prevents them from reaching and completing the objective.

all you these kiddies speak of skill, it means nothing in a bg setting. Your class/gear and calling out targets/assisting the proper DPS/healers-thats what really matters.
Thats why i never make fun of clicking 1550 shitters, they are just as viable as Arena Master/ Gladiator players in any twink bracket depending on their class.

-D strat blows, you left half of your team to get slaughtered in mid and the other 5 wont defend a flag against a geared druid unless your D consists of 2-4 mongoloid hunters spamming their concussion shot

-Learn from 19s their skill level is like 5x of the level of 20-24s

-Also heres a tip. Focus fucking hunters on sight. Pile everything on hunters.
O v D can be done, however that too would not showcase any sort of "skill" in your mind of what "skill" is. The winner is the one who can reach the efc faster and burst thru the healers. Now if your gonna say they cc too, we had quite a lot of cc, and for f2p premades it is essential to landing kills because there are no chants or supreme burst. If your gonna have that attitude than nothing in wow showcases any sort of skill, everything is bland and boring.

Cynicism is not good :(

Sorry, skill surely wasn't the best word to use. Entertaining or interesting maybe a better word. Everyone does basically know before the bg even starts that it will follow the system-like example I gave and when something is predictable or the same over and over I generally find it dull. Only real surprises are when that random stealth comes out and tries to kill efc.

Maybe I'm the only one who thinks this and you can simply ignore this but just a thought to maybe give them some kinda twist?
Sorry, skill surely wasn't the best word to use. Entertaining or interesting maybe a better word. Everyone does basically know before the bg even starts that it will follow the system-like example I gave and when something is predictable or the same over and over I generally find it dull. Only real surprises are when that random stealth comes out and tries to kill efc.

Maybe I'm the only one who thinks this and you can simply ignore this but just a thought to maybe give them some kinda twist?

Maybe you could give us some tips from an hunter PoV? Comic relief is always welcome.

I like your new sig btw. Welcome to the saint is under my skin club.

Frank Sinatra- I've got you under my skin - YouTube

Sing it girl!
Sorry, skill surely wasn't the best word to use. Entertaining or interesting maybe a better word. Everyone does basically know before the bg even starts that it will follow the system-like example I gave and when something is predictable or the same over and over I generally find it dull. Only real surprises are when that random stealth comes out and tries to kill efc.

Maybe I'm the only one who thinks this and you can simply ignore this but just a thought to maybe give them some kinda twist?

Lil that is your opinion, I think BG's should be played "witch ever way is most effective to win", F2p's that just started playing premades are being shown strong and effective way to play WSG. Yea you might think its predictable and what not. But I guarantee you, 70% plus games a team will always win because as what inoob said. It's about witch team can line up burst/cc/pushes etc...

Why are you so negative about the games anyways? Beats playing with 90% bad players in pugs, unless you like killing noobs all day. You have to have quick reaction, good communication, good positioning to be on top of your game. And to strategies best how/when to take down FC. I'm 100% sure in pugs its just push buttons and noobs die. Only on the odd occasion you get a good/fair game.

Also I don't see you competing in any of the games, all I see you do is always talking about these sorts of things on TI. Maybe you should play for once instead of being negative all the time, people are trying to create competitive fun games. Don't hate, appreciate!
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I been thinking about this for ages so I'm gonna post it...

Dotcleave: 2 boomkins 2 hunters 2 warlock (one affi one desto) 2 priests and w/e you feel.

Dot everything. Call for burst on the kill target. Profit?

I know it's such a simple tactic, but I think it would be insane to heal through. Plus all the above classes have all the CCs you're ever gonna need.
@ Bisonpower
Yes there Is, and I have it, but for the life of me I can’t find it on curse again, in my interface folder it is literally just called ‘restimers’

(My TI has been broken for a while now, so I can’t quote anyone specifically, so I’ll just use mentions)

(@ Lil)"That's how 10v10s are "supposed" to go", that's somewhat true. What will be happening each game is both teams clash mid for the majority of the game to fight for dominance, and sometimes a stalemate and tug of war for some time as each team waits for stacks on each FC. The problem thus far, is this tug of war has been going on for the entire game, regardless of FC stacks, or one team wiping the majority of the other.

To me, this is just from everyone being relatively inexperienced when it comes to f2p 10v10s... which is safe to say... because this is pretty much the first time it’s started happening. (and despite apparently popular belief, f2p 10v10s and rbgs, while being similar, are not the same thing.)

So the question is, can this problem (A mid fight circle jerk the entire game) be solved without any drastic changes to the rules? I think so, yes. What needs to happen is more discussion about strategy, (specifically tools each side can use to prevent stalling) which is exactly what this thread is about.

In my opinion, there are plenty of strategies each side can employ to stop a potential nonstop mid fight circle jerk, ill list some of them (I don't want to go into too much detail because it would make this way too long to read)

-Rogues: They have been underutilized so far, but the idea is, a good rogue (tbh a rogue in these games would have one of the more difficult jobs) would RARELY open, but instead try and keep the enemy healers from getting mana back (Sapping healers trying to drink, grabbing resto hut before healers can, etc etc)

- Backdooring: It has already been done a few times so far, but tbh has been poorly executed in general. The idea is, once the FC gets to enough stacks (6+), you send 2+ stealthies to try and global/assassinate the FC.

-Different team comps: Next week I am going to try playing my warrior as arms. The hesitation for either side using melee dps as of yet, is that they will just get blown up on the front line (They need to be right on the front line to do damage, so the entire enemy team can swap to them whenever). To counteract this, I plan on using a near full stam set (Going to be sitting at or around 2.4k hp base, with mark of tyranny equipped) and sitting defensive stance for most of the game. What they can potentially bring to the table is momentum. Once I get rage I can push in whenever I want, and apply mortal wounds to a target, not to mention mountains of damage for the next 20 seconds, which could mean wiping a substantial amount of the enemy team.

-Frost Mage- I think atm they are incredibly underutilized right now, a ranged frost nova can not only stop aggression, but it can also prevent a team from kiting back, which as I said before, can lead to a potential split res.

TL-DR? There are plenty of strategies to combat the nonstop mid fight circle jerk happening in games right now (ooming healers, assassinating FCs, etc etc), and talking about actual strategies to combat it is the first step to doing so.

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