EU+US F2P picture thread

Pinky on shift pointer finger on x is the only correct answer

ew middle finger on x? gross
Yeah I do index sometimes too, just depends on positioning and shit
It has to be but how tiny must your hands be to pull that off. It works but its super uncomfortable.

it's pretty comfy, my pinky just chills near the end of the shift key. I have pretty big hands too so idk? Maybe it's just a weird quirk of my shitty keyboard
ohti told me his keybinds once and its literally what broke my brain

it's a good think I hide my keybinds in every screen shot or you'd have a stroke :D
I move with arrow keys, cast spells on numpad, pageup area, big keys around enter. My tab target is numpad -

lefty life xD

Anyone got ftp pics
how many keybinds did they have that that even needed to be a thing?
Well I went digging and I found it. It was a simple f11 though, no shift
Not like getting KBs as a p2p in f2p bracket is hard, but just wanted to top Cripz's scores as 20 hunter :D It's so easy to top kbs + damage every game at 20-24 that I usually can't be bothered to take screenshots of scoreboards, but I found these 2 on my computer so let me share 'em with you. Both from MoP.



I know someone has better scores than me fosho, so come @ me and show me your best ;)

EDIT: Just after I posted this, got into a game and remembered to take a screenshot because of just leaving this thread ^^ This one ended early, so these KBs I got inside 10min by midcontrolling.

View attachment 15225
Got this recently, 250 here I come!
You remember how i got HL100 few days after you?
Look where I am!!! I didn't move!!!! IN TWO F*CKING MONTHS! :eek:

When life don't let you have time for your game :(

Congratz on HL125 tho :D

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