EU+US f2p mogs


Hello guys i had to start ay fresh wow account becuse of ay few personal things. and im looking for f2p mogs for all clases would be nice if anyone could list a few mogs for me thanks. if you wanted to add my new real id it's Toons#21117
Do you want something special or to see some cool mogs? Just use wowhead and filters to see what's avaible to all classes.
Linked accounts and Veterans got too many options because they can even use some 60lvl raid stuff's mogs on their 20lvl transmogs. Pure F2P accounts has fewer options but there're always cool things so don't worry ;)
If you're on a dead server you can farm rares to get a big collection of transmog items. Also farming Gnomegeran grants unique transmog items to collection as a pure. Check wowhead for low level green sets like scouting, bandit leather sets.

Good Luck!
im outland eu sadly so its from dead lol allright thanks mate ill check wow head as some point as you said
Nothing special.. Just little rogue.. Also i need another legs for this look.. Also i waste lot of time for waiting till this sword from vendor was respawned
(pure f2p acc)
Btw:for 2h wep u can also optain cool staff right now from Ahune or just made gnome warrior for blue starwars light saber or as worgen u can got unique looking gun, staff with skull on top and droping leafs efect.. also majority of class have cool weps from SFK class Q..
(yop, im lazy find WH links for all of these stuff)


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You can always farm out boe sets. It will be painful but may pay off for you in the end

Like pretty sure every piece for the barbaric cloth set is under lvl 20 for as an example.

I'd recommend googling: "all insert class tmogs" there is a wowhead guide for every class and at the bottom of every guide they mention all the tmog set by lvl (1-20, 20-40,etc.)

However if you're a pure f2p plate wearer you're going to have a bad time because I can't think of a single set that's lvl 20 and below :/. You'll have to stick with the old f2p look,which I find cool anywho haha
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Plate f2p have like two decent mogs, but I feel like every other class has a really solid selection to choose from.

Simply leveling and running enough dungeons oughta put you in a decent spot. And for most classes the BG crates look decent too

I put together some cool leather and chain looks from the stonetalon quest rewards and the BG crates
Im ok with my plate mog.. I love these shoulders


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Thats nice.. I was trying tauren paladin 2h sword, but its so much green on that.. And worgen staff look totally baaaad, cuz u have two huge anthene on your back :D
And for light saber mog i still havent enough blue painted plate mogs

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