F2P Gear Score?


It would be nice if someone could make a website that would score an F2P according to the criteria of enchants/gear we can get. I know it would be alot of work, but it would be cool.
It would work exactly the same way as normal gearscore except you'd see higher numbers. What is the point?
It would work exactly the same way as normal gearscore except you'd see higher numbers. What is the point?

It would allow for greater granularity. There are 10 gradients between 250 and 260. There is only one gradient between 25 and 26.
My gearscore on f2p twinks is anywhere from 500-700. I think you're confusing ILvl and gearscore.
To what end would an f2p gear score serve other than promoting epeen-eray and exclusion?

this /dislike

you /still like
Well, I know gearscore has a bad rep as GS = skill, but it would be nice if there was a place where F2P could measure their progress to being the BiS, and so when we create groups and BG premades, we could just ask for a special score, instead of always having to examine their armory.
Well, I guess you're right - it is an easy quick reference. I rankle at GS and other ratings but I reckon they do have their place (end game IMO).

Was thinking this bracket was not the place but it is a time saver fo' sho'.
Well it would be difficult, seeing how F2P doesn't have an Elitist Jerks to mathematically determine BiS for all classes/specs. I mean, there is some agreement, but a lot of contention.
Well it would be difficult, seeing how F2P doesn't have an Elitist Jerks to mathematically determine BiS for all classes/specs. I mean, there is some agreement, but a lot of contention.

and also considering some specs/classes don't even have a PvP BiS.

simple example: what's a BiS weapon enchant for a feral druid (only two options so it should be an easy choice)? what if its a short fight and he burns the opponent down? what if its a long fight and he needs to heal himself? what if he opens on a rogue at max range with DoTs before he closes in as a cat (and that fight is short...or long)?

The other day I was looking at my spoon and realized there is no BiS.
The average ilevel thing is pretty useless, since you can game it by holding on to stuff you don't wear, such as bfd quest junk. I'm also not sure how it interacts with heirlooms.

Nonetheless I don't think gearscore or ilevel mean anything to us. Our gearing pretty much goes in a predictable progression that is easy enough to spot with an inspect or even a glance at their HP.
  1. Not in dungeon BiS
  2. Dungeon BiS plus full enchants
  3. Missing 1-2 heirlooms, BoEs, LFH
  4. BiS and AGM

You rarely see anyone gear up in a different order, except that AGM comes before full heirlooms on servers other than AP. The difference in return-on-effort-investment between each of the steps is almost mathematically logarithmic, with #1 taking 8 hours for 65% power, #2 taking a couple days for 85%, #3 taking a week or two* for 95%, and #4 being a month long multi-person endeavor for your last 5%.

Anyway, my point is that you don't really need an addon or a number so much as a glance at their HP and shoulder/weapon graphics. You can reasonably assume a 1400hp pally with an Arcanite Reaper probably has his quest BiS bracers, too.

The whole concept of gearscore is for 85s where everyone looks the same visually in their tier/season, and each slot has a zillion intermediate upgrades that linearly advance their power. F2Ps pretty much fill all but four slots in their first 48 hours /played.

*but seriously, fuck LFH
Gearscore is based off gear stats and how useful they are to your class. Not iLvl's. (at least the non retarded pre-cata version that i'm using is)
I wasn't really making a great distinction between realtime and /played in the sentence you're responding to.

You can get to 20 in a single continuous play session and dungeon BiS in a weekend if you play like an addict (less whatever piece the RNG gods conspire to deny you). After that point, the time spans between the casual and the insomnia crowds start to diverge pretty drastically. I'm in the latter group this semester, and my post reflects such.

I think for F2P the scale should run between:
  • BiS. There is no better item for this slot.

  • You can do better. Improving that slot is not hard. Run some more dungeons/level your profs.

There should definitely be a baseline that would be the minimum to be considered an F2P twink. When I started in 19s, you needed a minimum or 1000hp, unless you were stacking another stat, in which case you had to have 800hp minimum. Without that, you weren't a twink (or if you called yourself one you also got called a scrub), and couldn't get into the guild.

If you're having no luck getting one slot filled, you should at least be working on the others.

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