quantity vs quality. a big strong negro can easily 1v5 white men.faction imbalance has been an argument since the beginning of time, especially during the slave days
thing is the men had guns and whips evening out the odds.
quantity vs quality. a big strong negro can easily 1v5 white men.faction imbalance has been an argument since the beginning of time, especially during the slave days
LMAO quality controlquantity vs quality. a big strong negro can easily 1v5 white men.
thing is the men had guns and whips evening out the odds.
If someone has enchants and uses consumables is a twink? I lvl my chars with enchants on gear and use whatever pots i have, thirdw, saltwater etc.i saw a fury warrior who didnt know how to queue bug
he was level 26 stacked on consumables and everything hehe
S/he's not wrong. At least, for the last 2 or 3 weeks it's been that way. Think I've lost every game I've played last two weekends. Bad losses too. Not fun losses where you at least made them work hard for it.
You know in Tintin, where the Thompson twins are driving along in the desert, and a car passes them by so fast that they think their own car must have stopped, so they open the doors and step out? That kind of loss.
Brihan I think it's a US thing. EU are more classy = plays more Horde
Don't forget school is out now and the WoW kiddies are fast and furious to level characters.
70 games. 7 wins 63 losses. If i wasnt doing this for science id smash my set up with a fucking sledge
A simple proof: Bearmoncat the Horde perma-leech has experienced a drop of 11/12% (AB/WSG respectively) win rate since patch. Poptartz his Alliance alter ego has experienced an 11/12% increase. This is a player that goes into kitty stealth at the beginning of every BG then stays in stealth throughout, ending each game with 0/0 dmg/healing (unless you publicly shame him, then he says "I'm not afk you are!" fires off a moonfire & a sunfire and goes stealth again). Therefore the perfect test subject!