Updates from yesterday's run!
Due to IRL obligations of some members of the team, it became clear that we had not enough time this year to do a full run to clear all the dungeon in one unique instance. Meaning that the objective is still up for next year
We cleaned two more bosses in about 5 hours of play (yeah, they are all hidden behind a lot of packs of mobs ^^)
Lord Roccor (Boss n°2):
High Interrogator Gerstahn (Boss n°1):
We are glad that the Brewfest is over
we spend a bit too much time in that dungeon, killing too many mobs that never wanted to die.
We didn't do a "complete run" yet and I think it's a good thing. There is still an objective for every other team to compete for, on next Brewfest ^^
If we add the total time we spent to kill those 10 bosses (over the 15 that we can access), we took 13 hours. Without counting the multiple resets we've done, the testings we made, and the time we spent keeping some instances running.
It was mainly long because we had no idea of what we were doing, and pretty much discovering the bosses when we were fighting them
Moreover, the respawn of the mobs was the most annoying thing of that dungeon ... because every pack of mob can be cleaned when you take your time .... but when you add a deadly counter into your run, it becomes really hardcore.
Some kind of Mythic+ but for F2P ^^ with the most exiting parts being when everything is out of control
With Haloween coming soon, there should be an easier dungeon to do