F2P 19 twink vs 20 twink

So as you can see you can have fun with a F2P character in the lv 19 bracker and honestly it seems to be a lot better than fighting against lv 24s,so dont believe them,they are just afraid that soon they will get no lv 20s to farm on their lv 24 P2P chars.Just roll an OP class(would be stupid not to if you are F2P) like rogue,hunter,pala,feral druid,disc priest
cant wait for next patch where bis 19s will roll you idiots in 5 man real ID groups.
Yasueh said:
Here's something to consider:

Rogues, priests, paladins and hunters do not get any extra abilities from levelling from 19 to 20 (except for mounts).

Druids get Insect Swarm, Omen of Clarity and Rebirth.

Mages get Arcane Blast.

Shaman get Healing Stream Totem and Healing Surge.

Warlocks get Bane of Doom, Soul Fire, Soul Link andSummon Succubus.

Warriors get Battle Shout and Heroic Throw.

That means that 20s have slightly better class balance than 19s, because the UP classes are the ones with new abilities.

many sites are not updated on what happens at 20 including wowhead

- rogues get crippling poison and pick lock (some sites show 16...wrong)

- hunter's pets abilities turn on, buffs, netting/rooting, sprints, etc.

- priests get blessed healing and holy word serenity
i que my 19 very rarely becuase im still missing legs/agm/lfh but in one night i played 4 games with an f2p priest who everyone liked having around and didnt give no crap. but he also had his agm/bis quest/dungeon gear and new how to play.
hunter is hard. i can gear one up and faceroll people geared as bad as me too. i guess the fact that i recognize maybe 5% of the names on the scoreboard in those screenshots proves my point that a hunter in dungeon blues will still shit on 90% of the shitty geared players infesting 19s. it's ok though you enjoy yourself. i'll just add you to my list of people i'll GY farm for 25 minutes when i see you in the gulch.

Sàxxon said:
cant wait for next patch where bis 19s will roll you idiots in 5 man real ID groups.

also this. get an fc, a healer, and a couple DPS/CC in a 5 man and completely shit on any free to play 19 we can find. yeah you are viable alright. viable in helping me get of the alliance faster by rolling you.

edit: druid has 900 hp and 77 sp. i think my 19 mage without BoAs has more than that. Yes I could queue half naked and weaponless and still be more geared than you. completely viable though! ****ing idiot
Haters gonna hate. Twinks are not thoroughly composed of the most talented players in this game; most are average at best.

Justin Wong placed 5th in a Marvel vs Capcom 3 tournament using a Captain America/Thor/M.O.D.O.K team. He would've won using "a real team", but he was still good enough to place that high regardless.

ITT: P2P 19s need to group queue with perfect group composition to take F2P 19s down.

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