Extra f2p account for your battle net


If you in need of one for any reason, leave here / pm your email and number of accounts you like.
You will get invite. offer stands for 5 more days.
Just wondering, why would we need you to get a new account from you?Can't we just make our own?
its accually better to RaF because there is not need to create a completely new WoW account. It opens up another WoW slot ti yiur account (WoW1 [primary] and WoW2 [the new RaF account]) . Saves the time on typing in the new account name and your achievments, mounts , etc are all shared since the account is under 1 email address.

Thanks to my WoW friends i litteraly got WoW1-WoW5(maybe WoW4) and EUWoW too ^-^ so i can have like 2 of each class for BOTH factions AND thet all share WoW progress and the lvl 40 mounts thanks to the DK glitch

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