Extinct GY farming is fun.

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Mnkey said:
Let see its not a premade because most good twinks *ally* are on Cenarius now. Get over it or come back alliance.

Didnt see people spazzing out every time Pizza and his guild would GY camp us and wouldnt even cap the flag.

Like Kali said, they capped in a timley fashion.

QQ moar and stop posting useless threads

<3 u Zir but this thread is just......

LMFAO, out of all things.

1. They're in a guild together, obviously its a premade or maybe they'll just happened to get the same queue.

2. I was never around when Pizza used to GY camp you and not cap flags, so that's hardly relevant to this situation. I'm pretty sure people raged from that.

3. Yes they capped in a timely fashion as you say, yet GY farm a pug is just a joke imo, have some standards.

4. I'm not raging or QQ hard at all. Just saying have some from of standard when you're premading or just running with a bunch of people from the same realm.

PS. Like everyone says "Farming is only hurting the community" so whether horde or alliance is doing it, it makes people not want to queue up.
why woudl u lock this? scared word is finally getting out of your evil ways extinct?
Holy shit people why do you want all the interesting threads locked. Idk bout you but I don't come here to read gracob use flawed logic to support slighty more flawed theories.
I'm seriously not trying to create major drama. I'm just clearly saying, GY farming is retarded either way, with a guild or just pug's in general. It should be frowned on and stopped.
augiddin said:
Holy shot people why do you want all the interesting threads locked. Idk bout you but I don't come here to read gracob use flawed logic to support slighty more flawed theories.

That's the way it works here, imo.
augiddin said:
You can't make a statement and then say IMO sorry it just doesn't work like that.

Sorry, I'll try and watch the way I say things just for you bby cakes.
Zir people might have raged,i did,but nobody made a thread abt it pinning it on one guild. Gy camping happens all the f***ing time. Just because it happens to you doesnt mean u gotta go all *I MUST ALRERT THE COUNTRY ABOUT A KITTEN IN A TREE*. Your not better then anyone else.
LMFAO, I have never stated that I was better then anyone. . so clearly you're miss reading what I'm typing. People have made threads about GY farming, I'm just saying when you're premading against a pug its silly to farm them. I just happened to be GY camped by this guild, I've never said "No guild has ever GY farmed." If that's what you're getting from this then you are clearly mistaken.
I hardly ever rage about something or go off the deep end. GY camping just happens to get me annoyed. Play the objective or leave.
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