I thought that was a big part of the F2P identiy, that winning through skill in the face of adversity against the nonm F2P./ I fear you guys lost your identity in legion which was a great time for all things F2P but it wasnt all fun and games because you got a taste ofthe other side, things would never be the same. Now you are savagely defending your current sacred right as the only twinks still killing non twinks in retail wow. You are in the final phase, the transformation from resiliant against all odds battlers to entitled farmers of half naked plebs is complete and youve literally become what you always hated Its a striking almost hollywood plotline.
Im bothered because I cant play my 29s, but I wouldnt never lower myself to do that queue bullshit. 59s is pumping atm and 19 is always gonna be there.
I guess im kinda sad for you guys a little bit because I always respected the philosphy behing pure F2P philosophy and the closenit community community you had. But now youre literally Anakin at the end of that shit prequal all twisted and angry with robot parts.
fkn legion and that taste you got
a sad tale