Exploit Fixed?


I've just been kicked from bgs twice ina row after dcing myself, anyone else having this happen?
Maybe if you weren't exploiting this wouldn't have happened?
i haven't tried to get into a game this way, but people are reporting the same thing elsewhere.
There was a topic ealier this month right after the patch that went over this topic. Yes it got patched the only way that it is even possible to do now is if you were to build yourself a lag switch which I'm certain 95% of people are not likely going to do. bye bye xp-ons
gratz, have fun with your gy farming

im sure twinking against players in whites/greys and for the most part completely new to the game must be riveting and compelling gameplay
haha, guys why are you wondering of people who like this exploit? i dont know how 10-14 bracket works on US, but for example on EU ques just do not pop nowadays... Sometimes i am staying in que 6 hours long... and still nothing... in this situation its better to do exploit and take a challenge 1 vs 10 semi-geared then do not take any challenge.

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