Expansion capped and xp-locked are NOT put into the same BG

I'm not sure, but I remember some of my RL friends saying the way around that was to turn off xp on your classic account character. This was a while ago, but maybe it will still improve queue times? Because level capped toons can still turn off exp I do believe.
thenet said:
GM's know nothing, stop asking them things.

this .

so stfu
Changed the thread title.

Please be aware that unless you're talking to one of the head GMs (Very unlikely, you'd know if you had been forwarded or escalated with notice) what they say can not be taken for the truth. They are but minions in the Blizzard scheme! :p
To the guy asking about turning exp off on a capped account, Yes you can turn it off still cause im on a capped account. But it does not improve time in que. Still get the unavaliable time.
I have quite a few guildies who are on Vanilla accounts, and i'm on a cata account. One day I had my xp off and qued for a BG, surprisingly it popped. I told one of my officers, "flawlawloles" to que up since I got into an xp-off game. Remember, flawlawloles is on a vanilla account. He qued up and got into the same BG as I was in. Therefore, your claim here is false. Due to this experience i'm 99% confident that XP-Off BC+ accounts and Vanilla accounts are in the same BG ques.
it may just be my server or battlegroup, But I try all day sometimes switch on and off my exp and requeing but nothing ever pops.

its not your server or battlegroup.....they were merged. youre just not getting lucky. try finding out what days and times other people que up
Falkor said:

its not your server or battlegroup.....they were merged. youre just not getting lucky. try finding out what days and times other people que up

Try reading the OP once more Falkor, and maybe you'll catch it this time ;) - Also, the thread title helps.
I forgot the question but once i had a question about twinking, I opened ticket three times and I got 3 different answers, that taught me this:

open ticket for only item, character restoration etc like normal players

coz twinking is kinda over the game basics and I am sure they werent trained about us and our questions :D
lindenkron said:
Try reading the OP once more Falkor, and maybe you'll catch it this time ;) - Also, the thread title helps.

yes....the OP and the title are wrong though according to other sources. battlegroups are merged, and capped accounts are put with xp-off people

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