Exp On - The legit way to low level BG as a twink


So I've never been one to stick to a specific bracket when it comes to retail however I enjoy the ability to recreate different classes and do low-level PvP so here's what I do. I'm sure some of you will have thought of it before hand but for those who haven't, try it! It's a good laugh.

Step 1: Buy vendor gear appropriate to your class of choice from the starting area (Ones with no bind, no level requirement)

Step 2: Buy the best enchants for that class that can be used at level 10-14. Enchants like haste are preferable if applicable to your class of choice as they scale insanely well at low levels.
Use these enchants on a fully heir-loomed character, giving you a great bonus.

Step 3: Make a new character and send all this gear over. It's all either unbound or BoA so you lose nothing.

Step 4: Level to 10. It will take only 20 mins or so depending on your class due to the massive kill speed from all those enchants, heirlooms and bonus exp from other sources.

Step 5: Once you reach level 10, queue WSG. You should be able to run around with an advantage over most fully loomed players due to the enchants you have attached to the non-binding white gloves, boots and bracers (as well as the benefit of loom enchants on chest and cloak, however many already have these on their heirlooms so the advantage is less so).

Step 6: Once you reach a level you find you no longer hold the advantage you once did, send everything back to your main - Because the enchanted whites don't bind they can be traded. Delete the character you just used and make a new one. Send the enchanted items and looms back to the new char. Repeat!

Other things to make it funner:
Consumables such as Rumsey Rum to further your advantage.
Being cheap and bringing along some friends doing the same thing.
Doing this on a FotM class such as Prot paladin for Spriest.

Things to note:
This is not preferable for a competitive PvP environment. It is for the purposes of facerolling and trashing others in BGs much like what used to happen before exp off.
Also note that although I have titled this as '10-14' it will continue to hold you in good stead until around the 20-24 bracket assuming you're of reasonable skill level however due to the fact there are few greens about at the very low levels, 10-14 is by far the most effective to do this in..

List of recommended enchants (Obviously choose the ones that suit the class you have opted for):
Gloves: 10 Haste
Gloves: 16 SP
Gloves: 15 Agi

Bracers: 9 Stamina
Bracers: 15 SP
Bracers: 7 Int
Bracers: 9 Str

Boots: 7 Agi
Boots: 7 Stamina
Boots: Movement (Usually not the best choice but you may want it)

Weapon: 20 haste (VERY good if you are a druid - Shaman may also enjoy this.)
Weapon: 22 Int
Weapon: 30 SP
Weapon: 25 Agi
Weapon: Crusader
Weapon: Fiery
Weapon: Lifestealing

Chest: 100hp (Generally my choice of enchant - cheaper, easier to find and at level 10 that 60 extra HP goes far.)
Chest: +4 all stats

Shield: 10 Spirit, 10 Stamina (The only choice when it comes to a shield really)

Cloak: 8 Agi, 8 Dodge (Much like shield, this is the only real choice. The are best for any class as the dodge helps with casters and agi/str based DPS alike.
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You might want to edit the 7str bracer chant to the available 9str.

And while i did this right when xp off came out for a couple weeks, its really not that fun since your character shows no history in the form of hks, achieves, stats, titles or gfed gear.

also, funner is not a word.
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I did this until F2P started. I'd rather just faceroll them when my RBG/Raid team takes days off.

As opposed to harassing people who actually pay for the game. That's not cool.
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