Exp-off 49 pretty much the same as exp-on.

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the only difference i feel is: it's a lot more bursty than before. but this has NOTHING to do with exp-off, it's simply because blizzard changed this game so much since i played 49 last time (prior to 3.2).

i was in an exp-off game last night


let's compare it with an exp-on game from before 3.2


well, let's just say the only difference is that before you could win games where the other side is dominating, now it's harder but still doable. see below:


however, now you need to wait on average 40 min for a game to pop, and you only get to play 3 times a week (scheduled queue nights are Monday/Thursday/Saturday)...

i am very disappointed, i feel that it's highly likely that the good old days will never be back...
Burst is crazy in the 49's, it is very similar to 60 in vanilla. That doesn't seem like it will change, but the tide of games can shift pretty rapidly, and we have had pretty even games recently. I don't see this as a detriment to the bracket, but more of a feature. Burst can be survivable, unlike lower brackets, and it's not a nonstop resilience induced healfest like higher brackets.

Queue times can vary, but typically we get 10-15 people queueing for a 10 man game per side, so someone gets left out. Otherwise, the queue will pop as soon as there are 10 per side.

Not sure, but it seems to be easier to get in if you queue with a group. As for the good old days, I doubt queues will ever pop as quick as they did when there was no battleground exp, but we can probably hope to expand to new days relatively soon. The bracket is growing, that is for sure.


Btw, what happened to your account on the WoW forums? All your posts are gone :(
when a group of people: STAT(nay/zan/balroy/nick/pockets and some others, over 10 in total) repeatedly reported my posts as harrassing/trolling caused a CM (community manager) to ban my account for 3 days.

well, when someone disagrees with STAT, they can simply call someone a scrub/key-turn retard etc if they think they are more skilled, but when it's someone who is on par, if not better, they try to eliminate that individual.

well, at least now i won't waste time surfing the WoW forums...
glancealot said:
when a group of people: STAT(nay/zan/balroy/nick/pockets and some others, over 10 in total) repeatedly reported my posts as harrassing/trolling caused a CM (community manager) to ban my account for 3 days.

well, when someone disagrees with STAT, they can simply call someone a scrub/key-turn retard etc if they think they are more skilled, but when it's someone who is on par, if not better, they try to eliminate that individual.

well, at least now i won't waste time surfing the WoW forums...

I see Zang getting more flag returns when you're both in a game. I'd rather have Zang/Nay over other rogs on my team.

I did not report you.
I love how you get banned from the WoW forums for trolling, then immediately come back here and started throwing around baseless accusations and moronic attempts to try to provoke people. You trolled the forums, you were banned for it. You also trolled TI for a long, long time and were also banned for it.

This is what happens when you troll and try to start shit. You get banned for it. You think you would of learned this the first time around.
well, i take it back, after playing with some skilled peeps (it felt good to finally win a few games), i think games are indeed of a better quality in general (there are still bads like auto-pet-attack warlocks and such). some SS from last night for those interested in this bracket, i am still trying to learn a lot of things after not pvp'ing for so long:



49s take some adjustment, especially when you've been gone for a couple of generations of patches. Skills that are "helpful" in other brackets end up being "essential" in 49s due to the tremendous burst. CCs, slows, and focus fire can make or break battles because everything happens so fast.

It took me no less than six months to get comfortable in the bracket (I was still relatively new to PvP back then, but the point stands) and once I did, not only did I really start to enjoy the intensity of 49s, but I also noticed how much I improved in the other brackets I played.

Good PvP depends on attention to nuances, battlefield awareness, and communication. 49s puts those on fast forward.
Bwappo said:
Skills that are "helpful" in other brackets end up being "essential" in 49s due to the tremendous burst. CCs, slows, and focus fire can make or break battles because everything happens so fast.

ya...i don't even bother using throwing weapon now because i never get to use ranged attack anyways, so i use +14 Agility Boomstick instead. back in the day if you didn't use a thrown weapon you were considered a noob...

i am still having difficulties with so many things: forgetting about drinking 15stam rum after being resurrected, getting pulled out of stealth by moving Hellfire, getting owned by pets (disarm, stun, wow they have so many different abilities now)...the list goes on, it's a crazy bracket but i am having tons of fun!

would be nice if we had more people tho...
Everyone went through a big change when XP-off arrived. Games became just that much faster paced than they were before.

And keep recruiting :). More people have been moving to 49s, just need to get games popping earlier than we are.
tweedledum said:
what in the flying fuck is this nonsense

yea exactly.....

boomstick has always been legit. wtf did you need a ninja star for, deadly throw?! iirc the only decent thrown was the flight blade from uldua quest chain or w/e (which is now unobtainable - and yes i know about the zf one and such, just sayin' from the past)
tweedledum said:
what in the flying fuck is this nonsense

because it takes 0.5 sec to throw but 1 or 1.5 (i don't remember) sec to shoot?

back in the day, it was necessary to daze cheetah hunters, by the time you shoot a gun, they would have turned cheetah off.

but it's kinda pointless to argue about pvp from 2 years ago, it's even more pointless to argue abolut it with someone who doesn't even play 49 anymore...
I mean shit, I agree with the lower cast time and its advantages, even I used throwing axes for quite some time

but choosing a different ranged weapon doesn't separate the men from the boys

fu hotpockets :D
glancealot said:
because it takes 0.5 sec to throw but 1 or 1.5 (i don't remember) sec to shoot?

back in the day, it was necessary to daze cheetah hunters, by the time you shoot a gun, they would have turned cheetah off.

but it's kinda pointless to argue about pvp from 2 years ago, it's even more pointless to argue abolut it with someone who doesn't even play 49 anymore...

i dont play 49s? why am i in your 1st SS?

oh and why are you not "good" when im there, do i make you all nervous?

anywho, back in the day hunters were pretty ez and certainly didnt require a throwing knife to slow in that scenario, boomstick4lyfe. not that you were ever on a good server/battlegroup tho
Hotpockets said:
I meant that Glance is trolling as usual. Pay no attention to him.

so that people will save their attention and pay it all to you? i mean, come on man, with all the self streaming advertising (you post it everywhere on the wow forums...), it is obvious who the attention freak is...and i watched like 5 min of your stream, it's just not gladiator material like you claim yourself to be...
three recent epic games. everyone who is considering starting a 49 twink should do it now, it's a very good bracket.


after abstracted brought alliance flag all the way to horde GY, he targetted undead warrior wika, who is usually horde's FC, he then frost nova + arcane explosion, i knew he was gonna hand over flag so i took the chance and shadow stepped, as he dropped flag, i returned it, there were 6~7 horde players, i got instantly gibbed after i returned flag, our FC was able to score, 1-0. we went on to win the game 2-0.


8 hunters in one game...i somehow managed to survive as a rogue...took me a while to get used to the OP-ness of 49 huntard but now that i have a few tricks up my sleeve against them, they aren't that hard actually. alliance came back from 0-2 in this game to win it, it gave me quite an adrenaline rush.


horde was about to cap, every single alliance but myself was near horde tunnel entrance when horde FC was near the horde tunnel speed boost. i sapped him, took the speed, got out of stealth once i reached horde flag room, picked up flag then just waited at horde flag cap because i knew wherever i would run, ramp or GY there would be some horde that would kill me (it's so easy to kill a rogue), horde FC came to flag room with his healers, realized flag wasn't here, then started running to roof (lol he didn't see me), he was met by the big alliance zerg, he natually starts to run to GY, his healers get slowed, CC'd, meanwhile i was found by a horde mage, my health was at 600ish after 3 icelance, i vanish, mage returns flag, another alliance picks up flag while i killed horde FC, and returned flag. we went on to win the game easily (horde seemed to have a broken morale after we denied their cap)
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