
It scales at 34.4% with either your spell power or attack power, whichever is highest.
amount of damage dealt by exorcism is determined by number of eyepatches you have equipped/in your inventory

Level 20

30% of base mana

30 yd range

1.5 sec cast

Causes (133 + 147 / 2) + (0.344 *cond($gt($SP, AP, $SP, AP)))) Holy damage to an enemy target. If the target is Undead or Demon, it will always critically hit.
It scales at 34.4% with either your spell power or attack power, whichever is highest. It does not scale with both. The wowwiki page is out of date, wowhead is a more reliable source.
amount of damage dealt by exorcism is determined by number of eyepatches you have equipped/in your inventory

Obviously the correct answer.


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