Excited for Change


Is anyone else excited about all this change? I can hardly stand being in school right now due to all of this. Thoughts?

P.S- Sorry if this is in the wrong section, move it if needed.
Yea AB should be good if i can ever get a pop :p also not meeting 10s in bg any more makes me happy :D and a change of scenery in azeroth is nice after 6 years
Wbfh is slightly easier to get. And with it being the norm, we wont have as many bandwagon jumpers when a new OP class arises.
*minor spoilers. . I guess*

My pally is no longer invincible. But he is 1/5 the ambassador title, we are gonna see alot of players running round with it now. 2.5k Rep per stocks run, and even more for DMines. Dmines is way different, as is stocks(eg. Hogger is a stocks BoSS!). SWind looks way better, and I can go free running on the roofs with my priest which is mad. I guess the 5 new tabards at 10silver each open up an easier path to the tabard Achv's. The cape model on the BiS lv1 capes have changed, and the stats on the dungeon rewards have changed slightly. Of the sourcer, belt, now gives haste instead of spl pwr, and the "off the elder" cape had 1mp5 changed into 4 sprit. A daily opened up at the Gurubushi arena for high lv characters, in which they must defeat an NPC in the ring . . . Opens ganking oppunities as the NPC doesnt actually die after two hits. Seeing new class/race combos running around is pretty sweet too, a cool change imo. No love from the fishing daily though. FPaths are also everywhere now. . like Goldshire and the Elwynn logging camp. I think the patch is a good thing, not bad to have a different setting in swind for once.

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