Everyday chat thread, Posts with pictures.

in Soviet Яussia Haunted memento's sells for bit more than on EU coz there was no RU servers ( almost) when ppl were able to get those and 99% of mementoes are from transfered ppl.

3rd inc tomorrow

item that took the longest to obtain, you won't be missed Molten core

63 geddon kills for TF token and ive seen 3rd eye dropiing on my 8th rag kill. RNG -__-
Gotta love noticing someone just went by in stealth/is near, cause you see a memento ghost gliding by without an owner.. ;s

item that took the longest to obtain, you won't be missed Molten core

Got it on my first Ragnaros kill, on my DK that I deleted a while ago. Sorry, just had to ;D RNG is a bitch.

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