1) first of all i never made a premade with more then 2 healers so it's impossible that i said that thing.
2) i transfered on defias at the end of january. So i played with this character on hakkar almost alone for 1 year (there was not invite via real-id and in hakkar there' was only 3/4 more twinks).
Before creating ranta, i played roshack (shadowpriest) completely alone for nearly 6 months during wotlk. So i did around 1400 on 2200 bg queing in solo and "this just proves how clueless you are".
3)when u was alliance 4/5 times i asked u to join my party for bg your reply was:"thx i'm alredy in group" or somenthing like that. When i meet u in bg i saw u all the time with at least 2/3 peps in group with you. So if u did 2000/2500 bgs alone on 3000 then i'm really really unlucky to meet you all the time in premade.

4) happend that i join bg alone but now it's rarem, i did it so many time in the past that i have enough so...usually i join bg with 1 healer, 2 if possible. And so? I dont blame peps cause they join bg in premade....u blamed
fluenzi to join bg only with 1 healer with him but, i repeat, i didnt saw u 1 time in bg without at least 1 of your friend dps with you.
Btw dont get angy so much