Every F2P should spend some time playing LoL (WoW Related)

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I spent about a month on hiatus from WoW playing League of Legends and I got pretty good at the game.

Coming back to WoW I have;

-Higher situational awareness; Have a better perspective on any given situation as far as team and enemy placement goes. Can predict the outcome of most team fights before I even get into them.

-Higher Self Awareness; Have a better estimation of my combat capabilities. As far as my damage capacity goes and fights I should go through with or avoid.

-Found myself paying more attention to my Cooldowns without taking away from my effectiveness of the task at hand. This goes for My buffs/debuffs as well as Enemy buffs/debuffs.

-After using my mouse for movement for so long and keybinds for abilities I find myself being able to expand the keybinds I use in WoW and moving with my mouse just comes as second nature and I find it adaptable between the two titles.

-Makes teamwork a priority. Spending so much time working with team mates towards a goal carries over into this game as well, and you really understand the weight that even maybe unskilled players carry that help the team as a whole.

The game basically builds these reflexes without you having to work towards it as a goal.

That's not to say that it will help anyone any less or more than it has helped me, but I find that League of Legends forces you to pay attention to certain things to excel in the game that WoW just doesn't. That's not to say that these things are required to do well in WoW and will help your personal skill(lawl skill) level, but I just found that it helped me so I thought I would share.
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All this stuff you develop by just playing, not necessarily just from lol. But lol is a fine game, more balanced than wow imho.
All this stuff you develop by just playing, not necessarily just from lol. But lol is a fine game, more balanced than wow imho.

I agree. Completely.

I just found that LoL built these reflexes quicker. I've been playing WoW since the War of the Shifting Sands event. 6 or 7 years ago. Coming back from a month of LoL helped me more than 6-7 years of playing WoW is all I'm saying.
nah, lol its possible the worse game ive ever played. 4 buttons and map control = pro.

Jun for president.

Back to topic. ofc u got good at the game its so easy.
Lol has like 80 billion players true story. the marsians rly like it.
Go play wah lum, push hands, and go, best games universe.
LoL is a lot less forgiving than WoW, forcing you to improve, and allowing you to notice your own mistakes much more readily. The beauty is in the simplicity. It leaves a lot more room for skill and teamwork than WoW does, imho.
Sorry to hear you paid 4 times the actual value for a shiny, over-simplified computer that isn't even compatible with the majority of quality PC games. Oh, wait, you said don't flame your crapple.
But atleast it doesn't crash <3 :D
Hello Twinkinfo Community.
LoL is like a warlock's pet - its not so good, but it tempts to use it, because its nice. I've played league of legends, and I think its nothing compared to WoW, although I can imagine what peope see in it - its great for them because it involves them into pure competition in semi-mediveal world, JUST LIKE WOW DOES. But they won't play WoW, because "I Don't want to be a nerd". I have a friend, who played WoW with me, we together explored the level 1 twinks content, and he left just before i started f2p twinking. Why? Because he wants to have "a life". What "life" means in his head? 4-5h every day playing league. Will you get back to WoW? Nah, I dont want to waste money. Come on, trial is for free, and its epic!! Nah, I have a life now, nerd!!
Didn't want to flame, but it end as usual.
@1st post - LoL sure does improve those skills, but if you want to play WoW better, train skills in WoW. hard thing is only to find skilled players, because its hard to learn winning with lowbies. IMO saying "if you want to be better at WoW, go play LOL" is an advertise, not advice.
Sincerely Yours,
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