Ye because the bracket is dead since 2 months. What could a 29 twink do when there are no games up?
The time we had games, nearly every evening we had up to 10 ppl online at the same time on dmf horde or alliance because ppl tried to update their toons role another one or do dungeons etc.
This could start again if we have success in july. My experience is that you need 1-2 very active guildmembers (Guildleader) who are there every day. By now this is not possible because everyone just wait for july and want to see what happen.
If you want to move or role a new toon on dmf you should ask here for inv or just be patient and wait for july when ppl show up to see if we get things started again.
Its hard to revive this bracket....
Games died when we had huge numbers of twinks out there. One reason was that alliance had no chance after a few dedicated player quit the bracket or did something else on game nights.
So how we can change that? Ofc we need a few dedicated alliance players who are very active and introduce ppl!
By now its just Dee, Mialu and me who do something here or try to...
Thats not enough. We would need up to 10 ppl.
Stench, Atheila, Annabella, Dalurok, Fresku, Stauf etc. etc. (or other ppl who want to put some time in it.)
But the problem is, that they all or most of them did this before and its hard to get them back, because it seems hopeless.
I dont want to be pessimistic, but everyone in this bracket should know, that we will never have games again if the situation doesnt change. Im sure, we have countless ppl out there who just want to wait and see what happens. like "oh you heard about the revival? Lets see if they will get games, maybe i will show up if it works".
Or we have countless ppl who didnt hear anything about us and our little project. I met 2 ppl in wsg today who told me, that they loved to play 29 but xp-lock destroy it... they didnt even know about the working xp-locked games on the eu servers.
So change that. Be more active ingame, here and in the official forum if you want to have games back. Its not hard to bump a thread.
If you dont want to do that, we will have 5 ppl online on 2 july who log after 10 min.