[EU] WTB Shadowfang



As the title states I am looking to buy a shadowfang or two from one of the European realms. I am aware of the fact that there have not been any sellers recently but that should not stop me from putting the message out should it?

Willing to transfer realm and would prefer to pay with ingame currency (shiney gold) though real life currency is also an option for me.

So if anyone is looking to sell from a EU server, please drop me a PM or reply below. Price is negotiable.

Kind regards,
Yeh I have seen some people speculating about that on the forums. Thought its still unconfirmed. Perhaps it is best for me to delay the purchase until MoP and stay with my trusty daggers for now?

You don't think they will be removed from the game or changed into a new weapon do you?
the stats will probaly change in 4.3 (just so you know)

I have seen you post this a couple of times. Where can one see this information about the supposed "nerf" to the shadowfang. Since it was already nerfed not to long ago.

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