EU-Witch Realm,BG to be as a 29?

There is no point bitchin who's bg is better ,more pro or whatever way you wanna put it ,both bgs have there 29's and tbh it would be alot better for the comunity if someone made a frigin decision and all mass on one BG !!!!!!

Same stih hit the fan on 39's Cyclonians have been on every forum everywhere trying to pull in numbers but realisticly will fail cause they dont give a damn about the bracket just there libedo sadly ,,, dont let it happen to 29's
well, if you want to put it that way. Before the release of the patch a majority of the European active forum twinks (yes, its a minor group...) thought that Blackout was the place gather. So that's the place where the first twinks sent out to go to, straight after patch release.

And now this thing happens, another battlegroup has managed to communicate among its members when to come online for battlegrounds and basically starts pro claiming based on this that the other battlegroup should be the place to be. Being inconsiderate to half a dozen people that already payed for their transfer and another group equally as large who gave up their old twinks or chars to start over again in blackout.

What I am trying to point out here, that if a certain battlegroup would just have had their joy without breaking open the selection procedure again this whole discussion wouldn't have had to take place at all. This discussion was even made before the patch already, and in light of the patch nothing has changed to make a different choice for a battlegroup.

What crualty shows is that they have a group of people that play at the same time and who all know each other. My old battlegroup didnt have this and blackout didnt have this either, pure for the reason that it was not needed before, pre patch we had our fixed times and games. This however doesn't mean that it won't be there anytime soon again and that the "we got battlegrounds" is something that blackout will have as well.
Deadette said:
both bgs have there 29's and tbh it would be alot better for the comunity if someone made a frigin decision and all mass on one BG !!!!!!

Same stih hit the fan on 39's Cyclonians have been on every forum everywhere trying to pull in numbers but realisticly will fail cause they dont give a damn about the bracket just there libedo sadly ,,, dont let it happen to 29's

You are so right, which is a shame because I think that had the peeps from cruelty spoken sooner, the whole blackout thing might have been a non issue and people might have transfered there instead, as it stands it looks like people are migrating (mainly from reckoning) to blackout in search of better pastures (for this lull in the bg system), all that seems to have happened is reckoning's emptied and no one else is really migrating - everyone defiantly claiming their bg is more active/the place to be.

Eitherway, I'm pretty sure the match making system will be fixed in some form sooner or later, activity will increase after the holidays and things will turn more or less normal, everyone getting what they want from the game.
Well i never said that Cruelty is the place to be and that you should transfer here, read my posts i made on all of the battlegroup forums.

Anyway, as everyone was depressed and was complaining to have no games, i was simply letting people know that we in fact have games on a more or less regular basis.

It's totally up to you what you do with that information.
So Blackout is for skilled, competive, hardcore and legends? And Cruelty is just for casual twinks?

Theres no legends or what so ever on Blackout cuz i dont know any, but Cruelty has alot. Get my point?

As far as i know theres alot of hardcore, skilled and competive twinks on Cruelty, and the "for pugs" thingy isnt quite true either. Maybe we're from different realms, but many of us have been playing with each other for years and we know each other very well when it comes to BGs. Many of us have twinks on each side and i guess thats why we have games going these days.

I've been playing in this bracket for nearly 3 years and i have alot of twinks in different brackets(mostly 29ers), and im not gonna transfer any of them just because blizz screw it all up for us.

I sure hope that Blizz will sort this thing out for us, so that there will be much more games than now. And if not i'll just stick to Crueltys "twink nights".
guys. i dont get it what realm/BG is the palce to be for EU now? i sirieusly need some pvp on my 29 pala....
kafefo said:
guys. i dont get it what realm/BG is the palce to be for EU now? i sirieusly need some pvp on my 29 pala....

Hi Kafefo, it really depends what kind of gameplay you are interested in :)

For regular 'casual' Battlegrounds and Arena, decent competition, and a general fun/friendly atmosphere, come to Cruelty (Large 29 twink guilds situated on Darkspear, Darkmoon Faire and Bronze Dragonflight both Horde and Alliance). We have an IRC channel '#EU-Nightfall' which we use to arrange matches.

The other semi-active Battlegroup seems to be Blackout, which from first impressions, seems to be the place to go if you consider yourself better than the rest.
Kilda said:
For regular 'casual' Battlegrounds and Arena, decent competition, and a general fun/friendly atmosphere, come to Cruelty (Large 29 twink guilds situated on Darkspear, Darkmoon Faire and Bronze Dragonflight both Horde and Alliance). We have an IRC channel '#EU-Nightfall' which we use to arrange matches.

The other semi-active Battlegroup seems to be Blackout, which from first impressions, seems to be the place to go if you consider yourself better than the rest.

Let me repeat myself, I don't even play at the moment - and have played on neither battlegroups; thus any opinions of either battlegroups are from my own personal impressions and observations of both battlegroups over the years. Please don't get butthurt over the 'casual' comment, I don't mean that you're all casual players, just from my point of view, GENERALLY it seems as though the players that have been on blackout in the past; and it appears as those that are transfering now, take more time into gearing their twink to the maximum possible while hoping to face more like-minded people in a more rivalry based - competitive (I know you hate that word, but what else can I use?) environment.

I'm not biased - I've accepted that Cruelty looks like the more active bg right now. Atleast read my posts properly and if you have any beef's, direct them at me rather than blackout's whole twink population.

Hope that clears things up before anything escalates. If anyone else is hurt by my comments, feel free to pm me rather than clutter up the thread with further wall of text replies, cheers.
I think any further comments on who is better aren't necessary as this was a rather unnecessary discussion to begin with. The only important thing to me is to have twink battlegrounds, so please people be nice to each other. Thanks.
Haly, you might think i'm mindlessly repeating myself about our activity, but if you look closely, my post was a reply to Kafefo. He was still unsure which battlegroup suited him; so i gave him a short summary of what's around.

Btw I don't mind being labelled as a casual player. I am afterall :p

Update: Spanish Alliance just had their first WSG since the patch! Perhaps a little more organisation and this will become a regular thing :) Still no news on Spanish Horde though. Now it's just a waiting game..
Halysia said:
GENERALLY it seems as though the players that have been on blackout in the past; and it appears as those that are transfering now, take more time into gearing their twink to the maximum possible while hoping to face more like-minded people in a more rivalry based - competitive (I know you hate that word, but what else can I use?) environment.

I lol'ed, cuz theres many maximum geared twinks at Cruelty. You should do some better research m8 ;)
Andraklas7 said:
Hey its , Siny / Stingspite if anyone remember me (Draenor Alliance) . I wish to know if there are any arranged blackout bg going on soon annd / or if there have or is any activity in bg's exp-locked at all?

I suggest you read all the posts in the thread.
i dont wanna be enoing in ur fight, but where the F*ck do i have to send my human pala(29) maxed holy gear(except AGM and epic ring) so what realm/BG?

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