EU-Witch Realm,BG to be as a 29?

Heey im Jonado a 19 twink from Moonglade,Reckoning ive retired 19 twinking for now and wanted to make a 29 twink my question is Were is the place to be for 29s? (Realm, Battlegroup).

If there is a 29 Guild there i would love to join, advise me on what class and some funding would be nice to as i have no mains but twinks.

Greets Matt from Manchester.
We're a group of people trying hard atm to establish blackout as the main 29 BG. We have already had alot of transfers over there, I am going with 2 friends as well as soon as possible this week. There has been some WSG's and frequent arenas and we reckon that if enough ppl come, even more ppl will hear the rumours and come over for some competitive pvp:) I'd recommend bladefist especially for alliance, but the other servers have some good twinks as well - however they refrain from posting much on forums. So you will have to make alts on the servers to ask them! Some server choices could be Al'Akir, Burning Blade, Draenor. I am personally going bladefist.

(Edit: I'm horde)
Twoblasted said:
We're a group of people trying hard atm to establish blackout as the main 29 BG. We have already had alot of transfers over there, I am going with 2 friends as well as soon as possible this week. There has been some WSG's and frequent arenas and we reckon that if enough ppl come, even more ppl will hear the rumours and come over for some competitive pvp:) I'd recommend bladefist especially for alliance, but the other servers have some good twinks as well - however they refrain from posting much on forums. So you will have to make alts on the servers to ask them! Some server choices could be Al'Akir, Burning Blade, Draenor. I am personally going bladefist.

(Edit: I'm horde)

Oi I recently transfered my 29 to Draenor, we be rocking dem Bg's some time, in between and since sum time.

When that said. I wouldn't cry if more and more came blackout. Cause I was queued 1 hour for 2v2 arena :<

Oh btw offopic, but was it in BFD that that Healing Leg thingy dropped? Cause I've sorta gone solo runs there, but No clue if or what it's called. Just remember someone linked me a BoP leg thingie :S
Bragh said:
Oi I recently transfered my 29 to Draenor, we be rocking dem Bg's some time, in between and since sum time.

When that said. I wouldn't cry if more and more came blackout. Cause I was queued 1 hour for 2v2 arena :<

Oh btw offopic, but was it in BFD that that Healing Leg thingy dropped? Cause I've sorta gone solo runs there, but No clue if or what it's called. Just remember someone linked me a BoP leg thingie :S

Oy :)

Probably thinking of [ITEM]Gaze Dreamer Pants[/ITEM], and while you're there be sure to pick up [ITEM]Leech Pants[/ITEM] from the last boss for a spirit set.

Will be with you guys within the week!
Pindakaas said:
Heey im Jonado a 19 twink from Moonglade,Reckoning ive retired 19 twinking for now and wanted to make a 29 twink my question is Were is the place to be for 29s? (Realm, Battlegroup).

If there is a 29 Guild there i would love to join, advise me on what class and some funding would be nice to as i have no mains but twinks.

Greets Matt from Manchester.

EU-Cruelty has 29 no-XP games, too. We had 7 Warsongs last night. Join our IRC-Channel #EU-Nightfall on quakenet for more informations. ( -> )
No Mojo said:
EU-Cruelty has 29 no-XP games, too. We had 7 Warsongs last night. Join our IRC-Channel #EU-Nightfall on quakenet for more informations. ( -> QuakeNet Web IRC (qwebirc) )

Nice :)

Also hope to get regular BG pops in blackout soon. Although I must say atm I prefer arena, had great fun the past days in 2v2/3v3, although slightly countercomped playing mage/mage/druid vs. priest/rogue teams :D

Maybe more Bgroups can actually be active at one time. What d'ya know!
Twoblasted said:
Oy :)

Probably thinking of [ITEM]Gaze Dreamer Pants[/ITEM], and while you're there be sure to pick up [ITEM]Leech Pants[/ITEM] from the last boss for a spirit set.

Will be with you guys within the week!

Btw the 1 hour 2v2 queue was like SHIT early in the morning, wern't any 19 2v2's up either at that point so xD

Just random QQ.
Cruelty-EU seems to be the most active battlegroup for 29.

I have read on the Blackout forum, that they had a few games, but i'm fairly sure Cruelty has had more to date..

Horde Guilds:

TbaggerZ, Guild Invite Blocker, Mighty Mighty Doom Squad,

Alliance Guilds:

Slow Ñ Steady, Warsong Greenkeepers

Of course there are more, but these are the larger guilds with plenty of active players. The IRC (#EU-Nightfall) on Quakenet is proving the best way to organise games so far, so if you want some more info, that's the best place to meet people within Cruelty :)
We are trying, and growing. Even if it is just slow, we are crossing the 10 soon on active players. Besides that, getting into contact with some of our members on other realms seems to be our biggest issue atm, but we are working on that!

Still, we could use more members: So feel free to talk to us on Bladefist (blackout) with our guildies in Remembered*!

also see our recruitment thread in the proper place :)
Blackout for challenging competition - it has the legends of eu-29 and if those that don't play any more ever return - that's where they're going to be, because they like competition.

Cruelty for active - rp'ing casuals, Frenzy; somewhat likewise, those that we're good on Misery have gone Blackout, (2b's crew) and others will follow if they return.

Ashley/Halysia/Tenaka - Bloodlust, <Core>

Halysia/Axiana - Reckoning, <First Cohort>
Halysia said:
Blackout for challenging competition - it has the legends of eu-29 and if those that don't play any more ever return - that's where they're going to be, because they like competition.

I would love Blizz to merge Blackout and Cruelty (original Nightfall realms), as I believe strongly the competition here is just as good as Blackout, if not better :)

Players have migrated to Blackout already, but still havent had as many games as Cruelty. I find it somewhat strange Blackout now have more players than before but can't seem to get games going :eek: I'd hate to imagine Blackout before people transferred, it must have been a ghost town.

I stand my ground, Blackout twinks are not into 'competitive games' anymore than Cruelty!
Kilda said:
I would love Blizz to merge Blackout and Cruelty (original Nightfall realms), as I believe strongly the competition here is just as good as Blackout, if not better :)

Players have migrated to Blackout already, but still havent had as many games as Cruelty. I find it somewhat strange Blackout now have more players than before but can't seem to get games going :eek: I'd hate to imagine Blackout before people transferred, it must have been a ghost town.

I stand my ground, Blackout twinks are not into 'competitive games' anymore than Cruelty!

Don't get me wrong, but you haven't been following 29's for very long it seems, and I think we have different priorities when it comes to twinking.

When I say competition, I mean people with decent skill level and the will to prove themselves in a competitive (e.g.: guild vs guild, arena) format. Fair enough, Cruelty has xp locked wsg games going on atm, big woop, it'll get fixed in some form sooner or later and everyone will be able to play more wsg/ab than currently.

Blackout has pretty much always been the place where the 'skilled' players have been or gone to apart from a very brief period where a few players went to Reckoning. When I was on Bloodlust before going Reckoning, arugably the best players we (my guild and I) faced, and have ever faced went to Blackout (Tyrnas/Frustrazione/Battlecry), whereas we went Reckoning thinking it was going to be more active - and it probably was, for it had a stupidly large and active horde guild...but all they cared about was wsg with a few exceptions.

I've followed all the twink forums since x-realms were introduced (with the exception of twinkinfo...zz) and anyone that wanted to prove something went to Blackout - it has had the most iconic players (atleast in my eyes) of eu-29, even attracting a legend or two from US bg's for a brief time. Some of the more well known players include Sorby, Twoblasted, Optixwife, Pizzabaker/Siouxie 2v2 combo, Wanted, I Said Lay Down, and even 1-2 players from eu-19's such as Bragh.

I've only played with a few of them - and I know the few I've played with are good players of the game, knowing the games mechanics and not relying on gear/class to beat people less well geared in a pug wsg. I'm hardly biased because I haven't played with the rest, they're just figures that have stood out from the crowd consistantly over the whole of eu's 29 scene, I could name perhaps - 1-2 of players from other bg's of a similar renown, but these don't play anymore (Stormfist and Gex@misery).

Anyway, I don't even play atm - but I know who has transfered to Blackout and I know they're decent players that want to do more than pug wsg - they're the type of people that want to be the best and will attempt to prove it in arena; will create drama and rivalries and ultimately promote competitive play on that battlegroup.

Obviously the choice is anyone's to make, and different people prefer different things. If all you want to do is have an active pug wsg scene, then by all means, Cruelty/Frenzy look somewhat alright right now don't they?

Utlimately if I (and my friends) were to play again, we'll be going Blackout - because we know (from moving to reckoning over blackout in the first place, - the other bg's weren't an option because they simply don't have the same drive or skill level) that if anywhere is going to be the proving grounds - for us -, it's going to be Blackout.
So it sounds like Blackout is for 29 what Cyclone is for 39. Cyclone 39 is full of players (they have the numbers) who refuse to do Warsong for some reason and rather spend their time with excessive twink drama on the forums. So with all due respect (and i am not being sarcastic here!) the legends should stay amongst the legends and people who want to actually play battlegrounds should come to Cruelty/Crueldad, so you got that right.

BTW there is ONE RP realm in Cruelty, so we are not "RP'ing casuals". Many of us have been around for way over two years playing bgs (and yeah Arenas) every night. But we're about having fun and we mostly have a friendly community of people who like each other rather than the acidic compulsive rat race i see in other places. Don't get me wrong, we have epeens, too. But they are reasonably sized.

Join our IRC-channel and talk to us, i am pretty sure that he who likes us there will like us ingame.

I rest my case, thanks for your attention.

IRC: QuakeNet Web IRC (qwebirc) #EU-Nightfall

(forum activity has gone down as people hang out on IRC these days)
Don't get me wrong, but you haven't been following 29's for very long it seems, and I think we have different priorities when it comes to twinking.

When I say competition, I mean people with decent skill level and the will to prove themselves in a competitive (e.g.: guild vs guild, arena) format. Fair enough, Cruelty has xp locked wsg games going on atm, big woop, it'll get fixed in some form sooner or later and everyone will be able to play more wsg/ab than currently.

Like I said in my revious reply, it would be ideal to merge the 2 battlegroups together. I believe we have a good enough competition as any, but perhaps Blackout players take it more seriously. I mean, twinking is serious business, right?

My guild TbaggerZ, has a decent amount of players who are interested in twink theorycrafting, or game mechanics as it were; but a majority of the guild play for fun, I mean the guild name is enough to show anyone that we twink mainly for lulz and goofing around, but this does not mean we aren't looking for competition. I think this is what seperates Blackout and Cruelty.

You are correct when you say we prioritise this game in different areas. You are also correct when you say people do have a choice on where to move to.. But all I can see in 29-EU threads is that everyone's moving to Blackout, (due to its activity, which as it stands, seems less than Cruelty) so you can see why I would promote my BG..

You have proven that Blackout is the place to go if you consider youself an elitist twink or feel you have something to prove, but for those who play casually, and are interested in twinking at their own pace... Are they going to be best suited in Blackout? Probably not.
No Mojo said:

Dawson/Hammertime right? I know you, Warsong Greenkeepers and Mighty Mighty Doom Squad have been around a fair while, I certainly remember reading your forum posts and recall a good laugh or two from a certain dwarf priest from WS Greenkeepers.

I might have gone over the top with the 'rp'ing casuals' comment, but from perhaps a too bluntly speaking observer with obviously different game interests, that's the impression I got from Cruelty, I meant no offense; and believe me - I agree with your comment about the 'legends' staying amongst the legends and the casuals staying with the casuals.

That said - both types; hardcore and casual twinks have and want fun - that's why they keep paying Blizzard subscription costs, transfer fee's, name changes etc. I've certainly made drama over the years, but I've always ended up friends with the people I argued with because it made a competitive rivalry between one another - respect one another.

Any 'promotion' (despite not even playing...don't see how that works)I've done is to indeed get all the best players in one place. WSG has been around a while and in my experience, twinking since 21-30, the best games were always the longest ones. I've had twink arena games last longer than the current wsg time limit...and for me and my guild/friends, pug wsg is getting old and dull (even if it does include multiple twinks on both sides), even more so with a time limit to spoil the building tension of what could be a fun game.

That said, I think you'll agree that both our 'recruitment' posts are aimed at different people and quite obviously - there's more people that fit into your category in Cruelty and I wish you the best of luck in an active community. For the rest that want to take it that bit more seriously, there's Blackout. Both types of play have their pro's and con's so I'll say nothing more on that.

Kilda said:
but a majority of the guild play for fun, but this does not mean we aren't looking for competition. I think this is what seperates Blackout and Cruelty.

Everyone plays for fun - if it's not fun people find something better to do with their time.

Kilda said:
But all I can see in 29-EU threads is that everyone's moving to Blackout, (due to its activity, which as it stands, seems less than Cruelty) so you can see why I would promote my BG...

Again, I don't play atm and yet to me it seems like the only people that have moved to Blackout are a select few people mainly from Reckoning (mainly a specific guild from Moonglade) and a handful of Twoblasted's friends from Misery - and probably partly only because Twoblasted has played with those both Reckoning and Blackout in the past. Despite players from other battlegroups claiming it costs too much - and despite <Remembered> and <I Said Lay Down> both offering to help with funds, boosts, questing, it's still only people from Reckoning (Palajin @ reckoning forums for example) that are really considering transfering there.

It's being made clear that Cruelty is the most active battlegroup - and I'm not disputing that. I've seen the updated 'we've had 7/15/21 games so far' posts on all the bg forums, kudo's for the activity.

Kilda said:
... Are they going to be best suited in Blackout? Probably not.

I agree, so to sum it all up...

A more guild vs guild competitive environment = Blackout

A more casual, and currently active game play experience (which in itself is a boon in this current depression) = Cruelty.

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