vian was ret with a pocket healer and still had most deaths.
so much hate
where's the love, am i right - and sorry for /spit on you, you are cute; was wrong target
not like a waste a heal on u anyway such a shitty mage man it's fucking crazy. I usualy just lol around healing all the 900 hp hordies <3 I luv em so
So you're a nobody?
i have NEVER been ret, and ye 150 hks on my paladin tells me i play it a lot np
@chill, since when did i have a pocket healer; ye sure i have been playing the last 5-8 games with nicozy, so what?
and yoda i PMd you
not like a waste a heal on u anyway such a shitty mage man it's fucking crazy. I usualy just lol around healing all the 900 hp hordies <3 I luv em so
well you had a 2hander so thats why i said ret.
wtf I dont even have a 2hander on that char, i only have backpack and 2x6 slot bags(
and answer PM, I have to know this before im going out.
here have my real id lilgreendude@deathstar.not telling you.
Ah found out who it is guys it's just some hunter I have never heard of
HAHAHHAHAHA FATALWOUND LOOOOOOL how can u be so bad as a hunter srs what is this, best day of my life if this is true