what did i just watch?
Seems like a regular AV in the EU 20-29 bracket... Red is a typo....
Everyone would be walking in random directions and turn really slowly if it was.
You completely missed my point, it is the excessive use of the word 'hack' that I find laughable.
Here is the problem. Only the US thinks this is a debate. The rest of the world has accepted it's a fact. You guys are the ones who are behind on the issue.
Give us some of your joyful smilesBunch of bullsquat I just read. Thanks for the laugh.
Give us some of your joyful smiles
I joyfully smile when I laugh.
Clearly US is better because I am from US. Any team with my presence is already better.
ye the US is pretty silly haha.
That literally had nothing to do with what I said, but alright.