EU/US HOW TO QUEUE BG as a Twink since 8.1.5 GUIDE

Which is a good thing.

This sort of crap just gives us all a bad reputation, honestly. Keep this crap on cesspools like OwnedCore.

There's a reason why the majority think Twinks are talentless kids who just prey on levelers and hate actual competition.

Don't be a square.

This sort of crap just gives us all a bad reputation, honestly. Keep this crap on cesspools like OwnedCore.

There's a reason why the majority think Twinks are talentless kids who just prey on levelers and hate actual competition.

Don't be a square.
As an aside to this, maybe if people didn't vehemently despise twinks, we could get twitter campaigns / people on board with Blizzard actually fixing the game when it comes to issues that mostly affect us, such as bugged EU queues.

Everyone should want Blizzard to fix their game, but some people have managed to raise the level of spite amongst the wider playerbase to a point where they'd rather leave the game broken than let "Filthy Twinks" have any fun.
As an aside to this, maybe if people didn't vehemently despise twinks, we could get twitter campaigns / people on board with Blizzard actually fixing the game when it comes to issues that mostly affect us, such as bugged EU queues.

Everyone should want Blizzard to fix their game, but some people have managed to raise the level of spite amongst the wider playerbase to a point where they'd rather leave the game broken than let "Filthy Twinks" have any fun.

Probably one of the best ways to have the game more balanced and catered to a group of players in a minority is to make that group not also one that is almost universally despised by those who are not a part of it and considered a group of childish emote spammers, who farm levelers in GYs and make themselves an eyesore on the entire community.

But alas, even a good portion of people here on TI feel that is "Part of the fun" and it "Breeds competition".
I wont be able to get enchants if i have not prepared right? Cant mail it seems.
Mooch GM for few days of game time. Say you considering returning.

This sort of crap just gives us all a bad reputation, honestly. Keep this crap on cesspools like OwnedCore.

There's a reason why the majority think Twinks are talentless kids who just prey on levelers and hate actual competition.

Don't be a square.

But what if it doesn’t matter who you vs because your worlds best you just want to be able to get into PvP on your twink that you spent hours on hours perfecting. There are an abundance of brackets that never pop with xp
Off. Legit never. Like 10 hours in Q. As stated it’s not about vsing noobs instead of twinks it’s just being able to play the character.
Sadly this is getting fixed. This worked in wotlk also then they blocked all similar macros,

Be fast, If u have to grind ur last rep, DO it
But what if it doesn’t matter who you vs because your worlds best you just want to be able to get into PvP on your twink that you spent hours on hours perfecting. There are an abundance of brackets that never pop with xp
Off. Legit never. Like 10 hours in Q. As stated it’s not about vsing noobs instead of twinks it’s just being able to play the character.
I played 60s from WoTLK through MoP. It sucked in Cata and MoP and only certain days had pops even happen more than once.

Was fun, though. It happens. If you don't like long queues, go to a super active bracket like 19s or something.
But what if it doesn’t matter who you vs because your worlds best you just want to be able to get into PvP on your twink that you spent hours on hours perfecting. There are an abundance of brackets that never pop with xp
Off. Legit never. Like 10 hours in Q. As stated it’s not about vsing noobs instead of twinks it’s just being able to play the character.
The amount of effort you put into glitching into a game could be put into getting wargames going. Or hell, go world PVP.

I'm very sympathetic to wanting to play your toons. I really am. But glitching into games is pretty low.
This is clearly an unintended mechanic of the game. Enabling to bypass a limitation.
This is clearly an exploit, and according to the ToS of WoW, you have to report it ....


The more people know that, the best chances Blizzard see it and patch it ...
There was already a video done on it, a post on the official forums about that exploit, and now more xpoff threads about it ?

Keep it secret, share it with your friends, and enjoy it while it last ... but don't open advertize it ...

[doublepost=1553600773,1553600697][/doublepost]This has been about for years if they block macros just do it manually

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